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There has to be absolutely no air at all. Maybe, just maybe it could survive in a medical blood bag. there's a lot of factors im not sure about.

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Q: Can infected blood the virus of HIV live in a plastic bag?
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no... however it may have become infected by a virus.

When a person who is HIV positive uses a sharp tool and that tool get contact with the virus and then a person who is not infected use it after five days can he be infected as well?

The live span of the virus outside of the host is fairly short, a matter of minutes or at most hours. If the blood has dried, there is little chance of infection. If it is fresh and the virus is introcuded to the bloodstream, yes it could be transmitted.

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Your computer is infected by the xabarbi virus.

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After having chickenpox, the varicella zoster virus retreats to your spinal cord nerves, not your blood, where it remains for live.

Where does HIV live?

Its a virus - IF it lives at all it lives in cells.

Is HIV bacterial or fungal?

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) It is viral, that is what the V stands for. It can be treated but at this time cannot be cured. A person can live a long and healthy live after being infected with HIV if they stay on the drug regimen prescribed by the doctor. They need to see an infectious disease doctor. With all the research being done, a cure is sure to come about soon. HIV is not AIDS and with proper treatment may never become AIDS. HIV is found in the body fluids of an infected person (semen and vaginal fluids, blood and breast milk). The virus is passed from one person to another through blood-to-blood and sexual contact. In addition, infected pregnant women can pass HIV to their babies during pregnancy, delivering the baby during childbirth, and through breast feeding. AIDS (Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is a disease caused by a virus called HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus).

Can HIV be transmitted if you swallow the blood that someone who is HIV puts it in a drink or dressing?

No. HIV is not able to live outside the human body. It is absolutely impossible to transmit the virus in this way. Only by direct, human-to-human contact can someone be infected with HIV.

What are the following are common prevention techniques that will require the risk of getting diseases?

Inoculation is when a dead virus (smallpox, for example) is injected into a person. The person's body creates antibodies to fight against the virus, even though the virus is dead. Should the person be infected with the live virus in the future, the body's immune system will recognise ,from the inoculation memory, the virus and bring fore natural antibodies to wipe out the live virus.

How did the virus spread in Walking Dead?

The infected person got a fever and died, then "woke up" as a zombie trying to bite live people and animals.

Why do people get the Swine Flu?

if you type on a keyboard that someone has used, the molecules in your blood contract and you form a cold, later this is passed through electrolicsAnswerIt is an airborne virus which means if an infected person sneezes or coughs the "germs" are in the air for a period of time before "dying". If another person comes into contact with those "live" germs they can too become infected with the virus. Washing hands is also very important as the virus can also be transmitted or transferred to another person through keyboards, phones, faucets in restrooms, etc. People get it because it is a virus like many other sicknesses people get like the regular flu, colds, herpes (it is a virus transmitted through sexual contact).

Can dried blood contain HIV?

If the blood on the clothing has been exposed to air and has solidified, then there is zero chance of you becoming infected. Strange as it may seem, air is the most efficient means of killing HIV - so once it is exposed to air, HIV can only survive for a matter of minutes. The only circumstances in which HIV will survive outside of the body is if it is kept warm and moist in some sort of airtight container .. such as a syringe / hypodermic needle.

Does AIDS spread through close contact?

From what you have described, you will not be infected by HIV, even though she is HIV+. You need to pass body fluids (such as blood, vaginal secretions, etc) in order to be infected. As far as the clothes, just wash them. The virus can not live long outside the body. Go now & get some sleep.