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I don't know but look it up instead of giving that a test. seoriously, just look it up.

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Q: Can inhalant use cut off oxygen to the brain?
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Will you die if you faint to many times?

yes you will because you will cut off the oxygen supply in your brain and i have a degree in science so i know what i am talking about

If caught by surprise and suffocated how long would it take an adult to pass out?

Oxygen is needed to keep the brain functioning. Once the oxygen is cut off, in a matter of seconds a person and pass out.

Can you really die from hanging?

Yes. Either by choking when the blood to the brain and the oxygen to the lungs are cut off. Or by the snapping of the neck when executed on a scaffold and dropped through a trapdoor.

What are some reasons to say no to taking inhalant?

Typically taking an inhalants euphoric effects are actually your mind telling you that you're suffocating. You get the same effects with playing the choking game. Also, huffing and playing the choking game does/can kill. Finally, since both deprive the brain of oxygen, you very easily kill off brain cells every time you do it.

How do you choke a person out in mma fight?

Cut off the air suppy or cut off the blood flow to the brain.

What is the meaning of the 'Choking Game'?

The choking game is a game where a person intentionally cuts off oxygen to the brain. The goal of cutting oxygen off to the brain is that the person may gain a sense of euphoria.

Will oxygen sensor cut car off?

Yes it does cut your car off, The sensor is controlled by module that controls everything

Will an oxygen sensor make a car cut off?


How long can you survive if your head was cut off?

If your head is cut off you die instantly. Your body cannot survive without your brain.

Why will your planet would die if all trees were cut down?

It would cut off oxygen.

Is the 'fainting game' bad for your brain?

Yes and it can kill you. The reason you "faint" is that you are cutting off oxygen to the brain. When that happens you are killing your body and brain. The brain needs oxygen to work correctly and at the very least you can cause brain damage to your brain if you keep this up.

Will the Ignition module cut off fuel supply?

The ignition module could cut off the fuel supply. The oxygen censor will also cut off the power from an automobile as well.