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No, the formula has changed, they now add a fuel injector cleaner to it.

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Q: Can iso-HEET be used in place of 99 percent rubbing alcohol?
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Does Rubbing alcohol kill HIV?

theoretically, if you were to place HIV in a cap full of rubbing alcohol, it would not live very long. Drinking alcohol will not kill HIV Rubbing it on a cut after suspected exposure helps, but does not guarantee that you dont get the virus. Cleaning your instruments and skin with alcohol before any type of injection is always recommended.Yes.

What can be use in place of rubbing alcohol?

Vodka or GinAlso note: Hydrogen Peroxide, Betadine (Povidone Iodine), Witch Hazel and a myriad of other products exist to help disinfect wounds. The vast majority of which do not burn as badly as Isopropyl Alcohol. If you're looking for something to disinfect objects with or if you cannot purchase these other products, then like previously suggested -- Vodka would work well.

Is there a substitute for witch hazel?

Depending on what you are using it for, a well concentrated rubbing alcohol can work in place of witch hazel.

How do you treat whisker rash?

You would treat whisker rashes with a hot towel and simple rubbing alcohol. Use the alcohol first then place the hot towel on your face. that should do the trick.NewA hot towel and rubbing alcohol seems like it might make the rash really painful. Try holding a very cold washcloth against the rash for a few minutes, then spread a thin layer of antibacterial ointment over it. Some ointments come with pain relief in them.

How do you dispose of old rubbing alcohol?

EDIT: I found a government source (City of Toronto) that says NOT to pour rubbing alcohol down the drain. Sorry. Instead, call your local pharmacy on how to dispose of it.I'd put a link, but this site won't let me. So if you want to find the source, look it up on the internet. (Was a bit tricky to find. Sorry.).To dispose of old rubbing alcohol, choose a sink where there is plenty of ventilation. Start the water in the sink before dumping the contents of the rubbing alcohol. Slowly dump the rubbing alcohol down the sink and run more water down after the rubbing alcohol has been completely drained.

How do you get rubbing alcohol out of cell phone?

Depends how it got there in the first place. Did the phone fall in a bucket full of rubbing alcohol? or were you cleaning it and it accidentally fell in? if it fell in the bucket, sorry, there is no fix. but if it accidentally fell in ( a couple of drops ) then shake the phone, holding it firmly (you dont want it flying out of your hand ) and blow air in any opening you see. hopefully the alcohol will come out. i highly doubt it, because the alcohol, can severely damage internal phones. Hope this helps!

Is rubbing alcohol soluble in water?

Just like with any other substance that's water soluble, the weak molecular bonding that takes place in the water (surface tension, put simply) is low enough that the alcohol molecules aren't displaced by the water. The opposite is true for something like cooking oil. Water bonds to itself well enough to push the oil out.

If you store alcohol in a warm place will the alcohol decrease?

Yes the alcohol will evaporate.

Can alcohol kill mold?

AnswerAlcohol (of at least a 60% solution) will kill all fungi, 99.9% of bacteria and many viruses, but does not kill spores. ANSWER:It doesn't kill as well as you would think it should on skin. It will however sweep it from one place on the skin to another. When you go to give blood, the nurse starts with an alcohol prep pad and makes a circle with it going outwards. This is because alcohol is not a sterilizer. Use Betadine on the skin or bleach on other surfaces to kill bacteria most effectively. If an item is immersed in alcohol, then it will kill most bacteria.

What happen when rubbing a comb and place near to a flowing water?

explain why?

What is alcohol used to treat?

Alcohol and drug rehab is used to fix the psychological and physical addiction to drugs and alcohol with proper medical care and assistance. It may be voluntary or forced and there are usually free programs to help those in need.

When do you use rubbing alcohol?

Uses for Rubbing AlcoholIn the definition of Rubbing Alcohol in The American Heritage(TM) Dictionary of the English Language, this is what it says: "Rubbing Alcohol - NOUN: A mixture usually consisting of 70 percent isopropyl or absolute alcohol, applied externally to relieve muscle and joint pain." Here are more suggestions and tips from others:If you chose to use it, I would do so cautiously because it can cause harmful reactions. See the link to the right on toxicology.We usually use rubbing alcohol to sterilize things like thermometers.It can also be used for cleaning your printer heads.Rubbing alcohol can also be used after using RitAID for lice. It makes sure the lice are not there.Useful for cleaning VCR heads that have become dirty when the magnetic coating on old VHS tapes disintegrates. If the heads are not cleaned, the residue damages any other tapes played in your VCR and the heads eventually (abrasive oxide). Use lint free cloth.To clean the TFT LCD screens of notebook computers: removes the oily buildup from fingers and cigarette smoke and restores and tones the special coating on the screen (Dilute the rubbing alcohol 2:1 with distilled water then add 2,5ml apple cider vinegar per 100ml - completely restores and cleans).To cut sheets of safety-glass: score the glass with a diamond cutter then pour rubbing alcohol into the furrow and set light with a match - the heat melts the bonded substrate between the two sheets of glass and makes a clean straight break.Rubbing Alcohol, used properly, can be used as a disinfectant. Hospitals and medical professionals use it often to wipe off their equipment, such as a stethoscope, that is used regularly and cannot easily be sterilized between uses. At home it is useful when someone is sick (or not), for example, take all areas where people use items constantly, such as doorknobs, telephones, kitchen cabinet handles, refrigerator, tv remote control and TOYS. Using a disposable towel or paper towels, cleanse the touchable items with rubbing alcohol, it usually kills GERMS and BACTERIA and keeps common areas A LOT cleaner, and generally will keep GERMS from spreading. It is particularly useful in bathroom areas. Naturally keep areas well ventilated. It is a quick and easy solution to disinfecting home or OFFICE. And it dries very quickly without leaving a smelly after odor (like bleach).Use rubbing alcohol to help dry up a cold sore. Apply when the cold sore appears until it becomes dry and it will shorten the life and begin to fall off. Takes about a week instead of two.To clean windows and other household appliances when mixed with baking soda and vinegar.To get grease out of a carpet, apply rubbing alcohol and lightly rub in a circular motion with a clean rag until spot is gone. Always Check for colorfastness first!Rubbing alcohol disinfects your skin and if you are giving yourself a shot or something it's so that it doesn't get infectedI carry it in a small spray bottle and use it to sanitize shopping carts, or use after using a public restroom or on the table at a restaurant. I use it to wipe down our seating area on the airplane too (pre 911 of course. I don't know if I could bring it now.) - any place that could have germs during flu and cold season.You can use rubbing alcohol to wipe off the oil your skin puts on a surface before you paint to prevent fisheyes.You can use rubbing alcohol to remove permanent marker on plastic, or glass. Be careful of the percentage you are using with plastic. Test an area first. Certain plastics can get gummy.Rubbing alcohol can be used to remove nail polish and also permanent marker from smooth surfaces (I use it on burnt CDs that I accidentally mark wrong)You use rubbing alcohal for many things but it is mainly used for disinfecting cuts and scrapesRubbing alcohol and body piercingRubbing alcohol is extremely useful to body piercists. In this wonderful age of single-use, individually packaged needles, rubbing alcohol still has a place in the shop. Here's a few that come to mind: Rubbing down chairs/tables/countertopsWiping tools to be later autoclaved - no dried bloodCleansing area to be pierced before applying iodineDe-gritting autoclaveCleaning jewelry that has been on displayDisplay glass/mirrors/registersRubbing Alcohol can be used on cuts, scrapes, burns and bruises. It cleans the affected area, and keeps it from getting infected.It's great to use on bruises. It reduces swelling and gets rid of the black and blue marks. Pour it on a cotton ball and apply directly on bruise several times a day.Rubbing alcohol is great at getting rid of Athlete's Foot and reducing pain and swelling in feet and ankles with edema. Give it a few minutes and feel the difference...great stuff!It is used as a disinfectant to get rid of most surface germs.Rubbing alcohol is known as isopropyl alcohol (C 3H 8O); it is one of the more useful of the commercial alcohols, included in hand lotions and many cosmetic items as well as in antifreeze or deicer products. A 70 percent solution has more germicidal properties than does ETHANOL (drinking alcohol), so it is used in many health-care situations, both in households and in medical facilities. It is also used for massages and by athletic trainers to treat skin and muscle groups, hence the term rubbing. It has a drying effect on the skin and causes blood vessels to dilate; its distinctive odor is associated with doctor's offices, since it is used to clean the skin being prepared for an injection.Isopropyl alcohol (or possibly ethyl alcohol) is normally has the name "rubbing alcohol" applied to it. It is alcohol suitable for external use only; it's not safe for consumption. It is packaged with a bit of water, and the alcohol content varies from one manufacturer to another. It's between 70% and 95% alcohol depending who the supplier is.You use it to kill germs on cuts and woundsSafety:Isopropyl is an adequate disinfectant that should, in an area where exceptional contagion is a possibility, be augmented by an antibacterial. It is NOT very effective at all as an antiseptic, eg. it should not be used on open wounds. It's not as effective as iodides or hydrogen peroxide, and it's a lot more painful. Use it to clean things; not wounds.