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Yes, because it only takes one sperm to get pregnant

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Q: Can just a drop of sperm impregnate a woman?
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Can a proud cut gelding impregnate a mare?

No - a gelded stallion is a stallion who has had his testicles removed surgically. Because the testicles are required to produce sperm, a gelded horse (usually referred to as a gelding) does not produce sperm and therefore cannot impregnate a mare.

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Yes you don't need a bog one for that, you just need a penis, semen and sperm.

Can a woman get pregnant if she put a man s sperm in between her legs?

Just putting a sperm may not work, as the sperm wil have to go in the vagina and meet the egg.

Does a man and woman need to create sperm to get a woman pregnant or is it just a man that needs to?

The man needs to create sperm and the women needs to create an egg. When intercourse happens, the egg and sperm meet, and implants in the uterus, resulting in pregnancy.

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This is commonly known as "sperm". You are not actually cramping you have just discovered the product of masturbation. This can actually impregnate other people but they have to be girls so keep in that mind. Please respect me

Woman can live without a man?

Yeah. If they want kids, they can just go the sperm bank.

Can a man impregnate a transgender woman?

Technically yes. If the trans woman was born intersex and has a uterus and ovaries, but was born with a pe nis, and the ovaries and uterus still work, and the pe nis was reconstructed to allow access to the uterus, then yes. In that very rare case, a trans woman can get preg nant. In all other cases, no trans women can not get preg nant

What will happen if a pregnant woman swallows horse sperm?

Nothing. She will digest it just as she would any other food.

Can you have a child then get diaonosed with low sperm count?

Yes, you can still have a child with a low sperm count, as long as it isn't zero. A low sperm count just means that you will have a harder time getting a woman pregnant.

What is vetro fertilization?

In vetro fertilization, not just vetro. A egg is taken from the woman and sperm is injected into it in a lab and then the egg is implanted back into the woman. It may or may not develop.

How did Zeus impregnate human women?

He was supposed to be a god, the just made it happen.

Can a woman get pregnant if a man ajuculate his sperm in her buttuck hole?

it is possible that the sperm could run out and down to the vaginal area. but it's unlikely. just take a htp and see how it goes.