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Q: Can latanoprost eye drops cause cataracts to get worse?
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Which is worse Glaucoma or Cataract?

Cataracts: loss of transparency in the lens or rather the lens are clouded due to changes in the structure of lens' proteins and this due to excessive exposure to ultraviolet raysGlaucoma: a buildup of aqueous humor within the anterior cavity, there is also an abnormally high intraocular pressureSourceIntroduction to the Human Bodyby Gerard Tortora and Bryan Derrickson

If you have cataracts what can you do to help it?

The only thing that helps cataracts is surgical removal. If somebody tells you a pill or drop can reverse the effects of a cataract, they are lying to you. Most insurance companies will not cover the cost of a cataract surgery unless your vision is worse than 20/40 in the affected eye. But that all depends on your insurance company.

What type of doctor can treat cataracts?

Ophthalmologists treat cataracts, usually by surgical extraction, followed by lens implantation.

How old was George Handel when he began to go blind?

George Frederic Handel was a British Baroque composer. He had lost much of his eyesight by his death, due to cataracts. An unsuccessful surgery to correct the cataract likely made his eyesight worse.

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Liposuction does not actually cause cellulite and does not make it better or worse but it may cause it to look worse due to the change in volume of the body.

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Itching is made worse by stress and emotional upset, no matter what the underlying cause.

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A headache or worse.

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How high can myopia get?

Myopia can't get worse cause its nearsightedness!

Should you stop using eye drops if the eye is looking worse?

Yes ! ! ! and go to a doctor, you could run the risk of going blind.