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For most patients, oral antibiotics (doxycycline or amoxicillin) are prescribed for 21 days. The doctor may have to adjust the treatment regimen or change medications based on the patient's response.

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Lyme Disease can never be cured, but even if it's late-stage Lyme Disease, you can make it so that there are no symptoms if you take the right medicines.

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yes, Lyme Disease is treatable.

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Q: Can late stage Lyme disease be cured?
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What is a late stage complication of Lyme disease?

A late-stage complication of Lyme disease that affects the skin is acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans, a disorder in which the skin on the person's lower legs or hands becomes inflamed and paper-thin

What is a late-stage complication of Lyme disease?

A late-stage complication of Lyme disease that affects the skin is acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans, a disorder in which the skin on the person's lower legs or hands becomes inflamed and paper-thin

What is persistent Lyme disease?

Lyme disease is a systemic infection that can affect all systems of the human body. This disease is a bacterial infection transmitted by the spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi. ------------------------------------------------------- Lyme disease is a bacterial infection spread to humans by infected ticks.

What infectious diseases are associated with hallucinations?

Bacterial meningitis, rabies, herpes virus infections, Lyme disease , HIV infection, toxoplasmosis, Jakob-Creuzfeldt disease, and late-stage syphilis.

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Polio is not curable at the last stage.... it can only be prevented and not cured.

Can lyme disease affect your IQ?

Yes. SEVERLY. Most people who progress to 'late stage lyme disease', meaning they have had it for awhile, develop nerological symptoms. A year ago, reading and writing was extremely difficult for me, with my late stage neurological lyme disease. I couldn't do any kind of basic math, speak clearly, understand questions sometimes etc. althought with antibiotics, you can regain much of your former self (as i thankfully have). it can definitely affect your mind. and if you look at before and after scores, you would notice a difference in your IQ score. but you can change it around again with proper treatment and diagnosis.

What is the prognosis for someone with lymes disease?

Generally, prompt treatment is curative for Lyme disease. Some patients are reported to experience fatigue, joint or muscle pain, and neurocognitive symptoms persisting for years despite antibiotic treatment. Those afflicted in the late stage of the disease report a level of physical disability comparable to that seen in congestive heart failure. In some rare cases, Lyme disease can be fatal.

How is lyme disease treated in alternative medicine?

While antibiotics are essential in treating Lyme disease, many alternative therapies may minimize symptoms, improve the immune response, and help treat late disseminated or chronic disease.

Most Common Lyme Disease Symptoms ?

Lyme disease is a serious illness caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, which enters the human body via an infected blacklegged tick. Ticks become infected with this harmful bacterium if they feed off deer or mice that have Lyme disease. The three stages of Lyme disease can cause difference symptoms, and while treating this infectious disease at its beginning stages is best, patients can typically expect a full recovery when treated with proper medications.Stage One SymptomsStage one Lyme disease typically occurs immediately upon being infected. This stage of the disease is also referred to as localized Lyme disease. The symptoms associated within this stage of Lyme disease are very similar to flu symptoms, and they typically begin to showcase several days after being infected. If you've found a tick on your body and begin to experience symptoms such as chills, headache, muscle pain, fainting, body-wide itching and a stiff neck then you should immediately visit your physician to be tested for Lyme disease. Another telltale sign of Lyme disease is a "bull's eye" rash, which is a circular red rash with a clear, or white, area in the center of the rash. This typical rash can be small, but will typically expand over time.Stage Two SymptomsStage two Lyme disease, also referred to as early disseminated Lyme disease, begins to show symptoms weeks or months after the initial infection. These symptoms are more serious, and will be difficult to overlook. The most common symptoms associated with this stage of Lyme disease include: muscle pain, swelling of knee joints, swelling of other joints, face muscle weakness or paralysis as well as heart palpitations or other heart problems.Stage Three SymptomsStage three Lyme disease, also known as late disseminated Lyme disease, occurs months or years after being infected and the most typical symptoms associated with stage three Lyme disease are joint and muscle pain; however, further symptoms include: overall numbness, abnormal muscle twitches, muscle fatigue and speech problems.TreatmentWhile specific treatment options can vary according to the patient, typically treatment consists of antibiotics, which may be taken for two to four weeks. To help relieve joint stiffness commonly associated with this disease, physicians typically prescribe ibuprofen or other pain medications.

What specialists may be consulted when treating paients with Lyme disease?

For early stage Lyme (within a month or so of infection) most good doctors can help you by giving you antibiotics or at the very least they can send you to the appropriate infectious disease specialist who can then prescribe antibiotics. For chronic Lyme you really need to see a LLMD (Lyme Literate Medical Doctor) as most doctors are not able to help you and could even make the situation worse.

Can lyme disease cause acne?

Lyme disease can cause acne by several different methods. Late stage Lyme can affect the adrenal glands causing too much or too little cortisol in your system and seems to localize around the facial area and upper back. Also, during treatment while taking antibiotics or anything that kill the bacteria your body can detox through the skin creating pimples mostly on the upper body as well as some on the lower body.

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End-stage renal disease