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Of course not. When the light is on, it uses energy; when it is off, it doesn't, 'tis as simple as that. I have heard certain rumors that turning it on will use (for example) the equivalent of two hours of just being normally on. Since turning the light on takes but a few seconds, a simple calculation shows that this would produce enough current to trip any standard fuse or circuit-breaker. What's more, I personally turned a one of those lights (40 Watts) on and off 40 times in a row, and checked the energy usage. According to the above mentioned rumor, this would have to use about 2 kWh; the meter didn't advance a single kWh. Unfortunately, I don't have the equipment to do finer measurements, but it just doesn't make sense.

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Turning lights off saves energy.

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Q: Can leaving lights on only in the rooms you are moving between save energy?
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