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i dont think so if your talking about eating it

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Q: Can lemon juice damage permed hair?
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Will Citric Acid damage your hair?

Juice from a lemon on your hair once a week WILL NOT damage your hair and will make it squeaky clean and shiny.

Is it bad to put peroxide in your hair?

It can damage your hair, but it depends on how long you leave it in your hair or how much you do. Lemon juice is much safer.

Does lemon juice and stuff make dyed hair go lighter or is it just natural hair?

lemon juice does make your hair lighter. i wouldn't recommend you putting it on the head of your hair because it will damage the scalp and it will become irritating, dry, and itchy.

How do you highlight your hair with lemon juice?

Put lemon juice in it.

If you dye your hair with lemon juice should your hair be wet or dry?

The acidic quality of lemon juice can lighten the hair slightly when exposed to sunlight. Hair should be dry so that it can absorb the lemon juice properly.

Can washing your hair with lemon juice turn it lighter?

yes, you can actually make your hair a couple shades lighter! When you wash your hair with lemon juice. If you do your usual routine and just add in some lemon juice you can have lighter hair!

What kind of juice lightens your hair?

Lemon juice

Can you use lemon juice on already dyed hair?

no it depends on what type of lemon juice

Why does lemon juice dye your hair?

Lemon juice has a very high acid content that causes a lightening of hair color.

Does lemon juice make blonde hair blonder?

yes lemon juice does make your hair blonder because the sun rays are attracted to the lemon substance.

What does lemon juice do for your hair?

Bleaches it.

Will lemon juice give your hair highlights?

No, it will not give you highlights. But if your hair is blonde it will really make you hair glow, i would also not recommend it for people with brown hair because it could damage it.