

Can ligers mate

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Can ligers mate
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Do Ligers mate in the wild?

No. Ligers do not exist in the wild.

Are ligers going extict?

yes because lions and tigers dont mate that often

What is hybrid offsring?

it is when two diffrent animal species mate and produce a new species, zonkeys or ligers are examples. these new animals do not often live long and also cannot mate either

Why ligers are infertile?

Ligers are infertile because since tigers and lions are different species, they can mate with each other but produce infertile offspring due to mutations that occured as the two species evolved apart from one another. Similarly, horses and donkeys can mate to produce mules, but the mules are infertile.

Do ligers eat other ligers?

yes ligers do

Who are predators to ligers?

Ligers don't have predators, but people can somtimes kill ligers, and leopards sometimes get into fights with ligers, and can sometimes end up killing the ligers for their food that they were fighting for. But sometimes ligers can win and the leopards will die.

what do ligers do in the wild?

There are no wild ligers.

How do you get info on ligers?

You get info on ligers by going on Wikipedia and looking up Ligers on the internet.

Are ligers vegetarians?

No, ligers are carnivores, meaning they eat meat. Ligers are not naturally occurring in the world and the only ligers in existence were born in captivity.

Where were ligers discovered?

Ligers were not discovered, they were bred.

What is a ligers mating habits?

Ligers are so playful! and also ligers like swimming! cool right?

What is the difference between tigon and liger?

When a Male lion and a female tiger mate, the cubs are called ligers. When a Male tiger and a female lion mate, the cubs are called tigons. Ligers are more common, because the mating process is easier. Ligers have stripes from the tiger and spots from the lion. On hind legs they can stand 12 feet tall at most they can weigh 1,000 pounds, but most weigh about 500 pounds making it the largest cat on earth. They eat about 30 pounds of food a day. There are about 100 ligers alive today, although they tend to have a shorter lifespan than lions and tigers, because they are more prone to cancer and other illnesses.