

Can lobsters regrow their tails

Updated: 10/6/2023
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Q: Can lobsters regrow their tails
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Related questions

Do lobsters regrow limbs?

Yes, lobsters regrow legs, claws and antennae, but can not regrow their tails.

Do corn snakes tail regrow?

No snakes don't regrow their tails, that's a lizard thing.

Why are worms able to regrow their tails?

Because they are supperheroes

Can fantail goldfish regrow there tails?

Yes, but slowly.

Why do lobsters fold their tails?

Lobsters will tuck their tails under their abdomens and quickly propel themselves backward to escape predators. Some lobsters have a spine on their tail for protecting them from predators.

Can a lobster grow a new tail if the old tail is removed?

No. Lobsters can regrow claws and legs, but the tail is too invovled with the lobster's internal organs to effectively regrow.

Do lobster tails have nipples?

Lobsters are arthropods. Only mammals (and not all of those) have nipples.

How does one season boiled lobster tails?

To boil lobster tails you will need to have a large enough pot to fit your lobsters completely in. You will then add any type of seasoning you would like. Bring the water to a boil and place your lobsters in for 15 minutes.

What can salamanders do that people often associate with lizards?

Some salamanders can detach their tails when attacked and later regrow them.

Do wood pigeons' tails regrow?

Yes they grow back really quickly - it takes about 2 months.

Does amphibians regrow legs?

Some amphibians can. Salamanders can grow back legs, tadpoles can regrow broken tails, but frogs can't grow back legs. i am dating a hot guy!

Do chipmunks have detachable tails?

Chipmunks have detachable hair around the last two inches of their stubby tails. If any tail came off that had bone in it, it would not regrow.