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if your long term disability is integrated with social security disability, then yes. This is the case for most employer paid long term disability plans, or your employee benefits package.

If the Long-Term DI policy is an individual plan, not through your employer - you could receive the full base benefit if it's not integraded with Social Security Disability Benefits.

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Q: Can long term disability deduct what SD is giving you for your child due to your disability?
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How long will it take you to get your foster child?

it can take up to 6months-8months longer if the child you want to adopt has a disability

Can you deduct long term disability insurance premiums on taxes?

No, you cannot deduct premiums paid on disability insurance policies. Two scenarios, first if your employers pays the premiums you would receive the disbursements as taxable income. If you pay your own premiums, then you would receive the disbursements tax free. Either way, you cannot deduct on your individual income tax the premiums paid. Think about it! If your employer paid the premiums, there was no expense to you, hence no deduction!. If you paid the premiums, you do have an expense BUT you are receiving the disbursements tax free and therefore could not take a deduction!

Can the child support that the mother receives decrease if the father goes on long-term disability?

yes, to the amount of the SSD child benefit check. see links below

What family members can receive health insurance when you receive Social Security Disability?

The following are the only members of your family who may be eligible to get disability benefits based on your work:Either spouse (as long as aged 62 years old or older)Spouse, at any age, as long as a child of yours who is younger than 16 years old or disabled is under his/her careUnmarried child (also an adopted child) or even a stepchild or grandchild as long as the child is younger than 18 years old and in elementary or secondary school full timeUnmarried child even if aged 18 years old and above as long as she has a disability that started before the age of 22

Can long-term disability be garnished?

Not by a judgment creditor. They are subject to garnishment for child support, federal tax arrearages and in some cases spousal maintenance (alimony).

Is long term incarceration a disability?

Incarceration? Like in jail? No, its not a disability to be in jail be a long time.

Are long term disability taxable?

Can you file on the taxes that are taken out of long term disability check

Can you purchase a handgun if your on disability?

as long as you are not a felon. being on disability is not a factor.

If you have more than a 3000 dollar long term capital gains loss can you deduct less than 3000?

Yes, you have the choice to deduct less than $3000. This is the upper limit for deductions and you can deduct less than that.

Do Employers have the right to deduct long term disability insurance premiums off your pay cheque without your consent?

At some time you had the opportunity to choose your benefits and you signed the application for the disability insurance. If you want the insurance you will have to pay for it. If not go to your personnel office and cancel it. You may have to wait until the renewal date if the company only lets you change benefits at certain times. The good part of you paying for the premiums of long term disability is that the benefits are not taxable if you ever get disabled. If the employer pays for the premiums or if it is paid for with before tax funds then the benefits are subject to income taxes.

Can you have Medicare if on long-term disability?

Yes, if you are receiving Social Security disability payments.

Can long term disability payments be garnished?

Not by a judgment creditor. They are subject to garnishment for child support, federal tax arrearages and in some cases spousal maintenance (alimony).