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There is no cure for lupus, childhood or otherwise. Lupus is not something you outgrow. Neonatal lupus, a condition seen in newborns of some mothers with lupus, usually subsides on its own in about six months.

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Lupus is treated with medications that suppress the immune system. Lifestyle changes, a healthy diet, and stress reduction are important tools to help manage lupus. Consult your rheumatologist, for all treatment options.

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What is Lupus anti-coagulant?

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Yes. If they are treated surgically, careful attention must be given to prevent infection. People with lupus are usually on immunosuppressive medications and can get infections more easily than healthy people. Steroids can slow the healing process.

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What is a acute nephritis?

Acute means extreme. Nephritis means inflammation of the kidney. About half of all lupus patients have nephritis. Lupus nephritis is very serious and should be treated immediately.

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What happens when lupus is inside your body?

Lupus is an autoimmune disease. The immune system is not able to differentiate between pathogens and heathy parts of the self. Lupus is not contagious. It is not caused by a germ or virus. It develops. The causes are still being researched. Your immune system can attack your joints, muscles, skin, and any organ. Lupus affects each person differently. Lupus is treated with drugs that weaken the immune system.

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canis lupus canis lupus

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