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maybe, the std you were talking about is herpes viruses that has inflame and lymph nodes.

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Q: Can lymph nodes become inflamed if you have a STD?
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Is metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix a sexually transmited disease?

No. A squamous cell carcinoma can be found in many different locations. Just as lymph nodes in the cervix can come under attack, so can lymph nodes in the neck, just to site one example. The source (the primary) may or may not be known. But this carcinoma is not an STD. Having said that, it might be argued that HPV, an STD, could be a root cause of some kinds of carcinoma, but probably not by anyone whose name is not followed by M.D.

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Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) is a sexually transmitted systemic disease (STD) caused by a parasitic organism closely related to certain types of bacteria. It affects the lymph nodes and rectal area, as well as the genitals.

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You can become a surgeon if you have a STD.

You are having thick yellow mucuse coming from your virgina and it is all inflamed what could be wrong with you?

Could be Thrush or an STD. Either way you need to get to the doctor NOW.

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Can you become a doctor without 12th STD?

Medical Schools require that you complete the 12 grade or 12th std. I assume you are from India. Your best bet is to go back and take your 12th std. examination for medicine. You MUST have 12th std to get in medical school.

Swollen pelvic gland with no other symptoms so its not an STD what is it?

"Pelvic gland" is not a medical term. If you have a swollen inguinal lymph node, it could be an STD even if you don't have other symptoms. See your health care provider for accurate diagnosis and treatment, as you do not appear to be qualified to diagnose yourself.

Can a girl get pregnant if she eat the sperm?

No, you can not become pregnant but can catch an STD. So best to be cautious.

What happens when a STD is not treated?

there are several things that could happan if you ignor an std,firstly you could become ill ,even without any symptoms and secondly your body could get worse

What subject to chose after 10th std to become ias officer?

arts should be choosed for an IAS officer

How do you know if you have chlamydia in your throat?

The best way to know if you've been infected with chlamydia in the throat is get tested for the STD, specifically with an oral swab test. Symptoms might include a sore throat, fever and in less frequent cases, swollen lymph nodes. But it's also possible to not have any of those symptoms and still have chlamydia. There are safe at-home testing kits available online at sites like myLAB Box, or at local health clinics, Planned Parenthood and other testing sites.

How do you use sin in c plus plus?

#include<iostream> int main() { std::cout << "sin(1) = " << std::sin(1.0) << std::endl; std::cout << "cos(1) = " << std::cos(1.0) << std::endl; std::cout << "tan(1) = " << std::tan(1.0) << std::endl; std::cout << "asin(1) = " << std::asin(1.0) << std::endl; std::cout << "acos(1) = " << std::acos(1.0) << std::endl; std::cout << "atan(1) = " << std::atan(1.0) << std::endl; } Output: sin(1) = 0.841471 cos(1) = 0.540302 tan(1) = 1.55741 asin(1) = 1.5708 acos(1) = 0 atan(1) = 0.785398