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No. Magic wands are usually made of merely wood or plastic. Science has not found any evidence that magic is real, or that magic wands can casts spells.

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Q: Can magic wands really be used to cast spells?
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Do Merlins realm magic wands actually work?

Like on TV? No. TV is FAKE, The wands offered at Merlin's Realm are for conducting bio-photons and other subtle energies within the body. With that said, wands are tools, not supernatural items that cast spells for you. This is a metaphysical oriented question, if you are not metaphysical please do not alter this answer.

How do you improve your magic in runescape?

Um cast spells.

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Answer: no, it is not physically possible Answer: Harry Potter is a fantasy story. Magic, as used in Harry Potter, doesn't occur in real life.

Are Alivan's wands good?

No , they cannot cast real Harry Potter magic.

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Cast a lot of alteration spells.

In what game does a wizard cast magic spells?

Wizards cast magic spells in every RPG, or roleplaying, game as that is an accepted standard of the class. Some RPG games this applies to are Runescape and World of Warcraft.

Where can you read white magic online?

There is a common misbelief that white magic is good magic and black magic is evil magic. This is not true. The difference between the two is the energies used while doing the magic. So you can take most spells and cast it as either black or white magic, depending on the energy you are using. That is simplifying things because in the last few years many other 'colors' of magic have popped up, green, red, yellow and so on. These are really just different groupings of types of spells (healing, love, money, etc) and there is no difference as to how the spells are cast or the energies used to cast them. So, any spell, can generally be a white magic spell.

Can a human cast magic spells?

In this world hapend things with no explanation, of my personal point I think we can be possible but not now I think In a future. I hope you like my answer I wana add is not prove a human can cast magic spells.

How do you cast a white magic love spell?

You cannot. Casting spells is fantasy.

Are abilities spells on magic the gathering?

Abilities are not spells, but note that creatures and all other cards (but lands) are only spells in the moment they are cast and on the stack. So if you cast a creature spell, it's not a spell after it resolves.

Did the Egyptian gods cast a curse?

Egyptian people believed in spells and magic, Isis and Thoth are especially known for their magic.

What is mp in flyff?

MP in Flyff can stand for Magic Points. It can be uses to cast spells.