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Q: Can males get erections while on rohypnol?
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How do lions get erections?

Male lions get erections the same way as males of other species, either spontaneously or upon arousal.

Do dogs get erections like teenage boys?

yes because they are males so yes they can

Do boys get erections everyday?

Some do and some don't. Everyone is different. Pubescent teenagers often wake up in the morning with an erection though. Yes, while dreaming males get erections while females have additional blood flow to their genitals as well. If a male isn't getting an erection there may be a medical condition.

When do boys start having erections?

Males have erections before they are even born and experience them frequently throughout childhood and even sometimes when they are fully adult. Almost all of times the get an erections, it not due to sexual arousal it is simply something that "just happens". Baby boys often get erections while still in the womb.

Can men have an erection in old age?

Yes, males get erections all through their lives. However, while young guys get boners all the time, older guys get them less frequently and they are typically not quite as hard. As you age, you will continue to get erections and masturbate and have sex (if you have a partner).

Can fixed dogs get erections?

Yes they can. Erections are not only caused during sexual arousal. They can do it while scared, bored or excited.

Why do you get an erection over girls?

A lot of the time, men will get "random" erections. It's normal, and it happens to all males.

What is a behavior pattern using rohypnol?

Rohypnol is sometimes used in drug-facilitated sexual assault due to its sedative effects. An individual may exhibit disorientation, confusion, memory loss, impaired coordination, and difficulty communicating after consuming Rohypnol. It is important to seek medical help if you suspect someone has been drugged with Rohypnol.

Will males experience accidental erections in their sleep?

Yes they do experience, mostly due to dreams and fantasies, most of which come unconsciously.

Do guys go through anything like a period?

Actually, erections have nothing to do with it. Once a month, males do have random moods swings and are generally slightly more temperamental. Random erections only effect males going through puberty, and don't happen monthly, but rather at random times.

Can you buy Rohypnol at stores in Mexico to help you sleep?

Rohypnol is not in Mexico

What are slang words for rohypnol?

The slang for Rohypnol is Roofies or Ruphies, or the date rape drug.