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No, the leaves are very obvious and visible.

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Q: Can marijuana be put in a drink without someone knowing?
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Could you drink marijuana?


Will marijuana stay out of your system once you drink a marijuana detox drink?

No, they only cover it up. IF it worked at all.

How many warheads has someone eaten without a drink?

i have ate 10

How long does it take to detox marijuana?

one day, using Pineapple juice as your drink the whole day without any solid intakes.

Is it okay to drink marijuana tea when your pregnant?


Can you drink marijuna?

Marijuana is actually a leaf, which is a solid, and not a liquid, so marijuana cannot be drunk.

How do you get red of this feeling of marijuana?

Drink alot of water

Does every human being eat a pound of insects each year without even knowing?

Depends on what you eat and drink--for example, if you frequently drink watercress soup, you will drink in loads of insects, as a certain type of insect lives on watercress.

How get the drugs out the body?

depends what drugs, marijuana, drink a lot.

How do you cleanse from smoking marijuana once?

drink a lot of water

What tea does Dave Matthews drink on stage?

marijuana tea