

Best Answer

No that is impossible. Weed does not cause any problems with lungs. ^^^^^^^ You're stupid. I would visit this website: It has everything you need to know about weed. !!update on that statement, smoking anything is bad for your lungs, but other than that no, you wont get Asthma from weed. Maybe smoker's cough, no asthma.

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Q: Can marijuana cause asthma after many years of marijuana use can it cause you to have ashthma after never having any symptoms before?
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What are sure signs of Asthma?

These are asthma symptoms. Other symptoms are shortness of breath and pain and tightness in the chest. You should also check for coughing especially during the night. Before you decide anything for yourself you should consult a doctor which can help with treatment if she does have asthma.

What is it when you have a cough for months?

It could be that you have developed a kind of allergic asthma, particularly if there are no other symptoms of cold or flu. This happened to my 60 year old brother and it took a long time for it to be diagnosed. He had never had allergy or asthma symptoms before, although asthma runs in our family. There is no specific cure although inhalers have helped.

What is the term Asthma Unspecified Does it mean that a person has asthma?

== == == == Allergies and Asthma: A Common Type of Asthma Allergies and asthma often go hand-in-hand. Allergic rhinitis (also called hay fever) is inflammation of the inside lining of the nose and is the single most common chronic allergic disease experienced by people. In those with allergic rhinitis, increased sensitivity (allergy) to a substance causes your body's immune cells to release histamines in response to contact with the allergens. Histamines along with other chemicals lead to allergy symptoms. The most common allergens enter the body through the airway. With allergic rhinitis, you may feel a constant runny nose, ongoing sneezing, swollen nasal passages, excess mucus, weepy eyes, and a scratchy throat. A cough may result from the constant postnasal drip. Many times asthma symptoms are triggered by allergic rhinitis. Your doctor may prescribe medications to control the allergies and, in doing so, the cough and other asthma symptoms may subside. Exercise-Induced Asthma Exercise-induced asthma is a type of asthma triggered exercise or physical exertion. Many people with asthma experience some degree of symptoms with exercise. However, there are many people without asthma, including Olympic athletes, who develop symptoms only during exercise. With exercise-induced asthma, airway narrowing peaks five to 20 minutes after exercise begins, making it difficult to catch your breath. You may have symptoms of an asthma attack with wheezing and coughing. Your doctor can instruct you if you need to pre-medicate with asthma inhalers (bronchodilators) before exercise to prevent these uncomfortable asthma symptoms. Cough-Variant Asthma In the type of asthma called cough-variant asthma, severe coughing with asthma is the predominant symptom. There can be other causes of cough such as postnasal drip, chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD or heartburn). Coughing because of sinusitis with asthma is common. Asthma is a serious cause of cough that is common today. Cough-variant asthma is vastly underdiagnosed and undertreated. Asthma triggers for cough-variant asthma are usually respiratory infections and exercise. For any persistent cough, contact your doctor. Your doctor may order specific asthma tests, such as pulmonary function tests, to show how well your lungs function. You might need to see a lung specialist for further tests before an asthma diagnosis is made. (Source: : ----Asthma Unspecified means that the person has two or more of these types of Asthma or their symptoms do not fit into any of the categories above to describe their type of Asthma. Also what that means is there haven't been enough people with these types of symptoms to make a category for them yet, not that the symptoms are any worse or better than the other types.

Would natural asthma treatment be more effective than medicine?

Regular and moderate exercise strengthens the lungs and prevents asthma symptoms. Although exercise can be a trigger for asthma in some people, with appropriate asthma treatment and monitoring of the condition, exercise, even vigorous exercise, is possible. In fact, many world-class athletes have asthma. Consult with your doctor before starting an exercise program, and carry an asthma inhaler at all times

Is shortness of breath a symptom of asthma?

CoughingCould be. But if that is your only symptom, it is more likely an allergy. Does it come around the same time every year? You could be allergic to something in the air. I had a cough for 6 months with no other symptoms every year around Aug thru Nov. Now that I am working on my allergies that time period is not as bad as before.Allergy tests are not painful and very very useful.It is not necessary that coughing is because of asthma only. There are other symptoms like wheezing, chest tightness, shortness of breath which can confirm that you have asthma. It is better to consult your doctor for the same.

Can asthma return?

If you mean that you have had asthma before then yes it probably can because I think that you can pick up asthma.

What are the symptom of asthma?

Recognizing the signs and symptoms of Asthma is an important part of managing asthma. Knowing when early warning signs or mild symptoms are occurring is helpful so that treatment and other interventions can begin early. Early treatment is most effective. If severe symptoms are present, it is vital to begin the appropriate treatment immediately. Accurate and timely assessment of your symptoms or your child's symptoms can help you and your clinician decide if treatment should begin in the home, at your clinician's office or in the emergency room. Early Warning Signs of Asthma Early warning signs are experienced before the start of an asthma episode. By recognizing these clues that occur before actual asthma symptoms, early treatment can be started. These signs are unique to each person. Early warning signs may be the same, similar or entirely different with each episode. Some early warning signs may be noticed only by the individual, while other early warning signs are more likely to be noticed by other persons. In addition, a downward trend in peak flow numbers can be a reliable early warning sign. Some examples of early warning signs are: * Breathing changes * Sneezing * Moodiness * Headache * Runny/stuffy nose * Coughing * Chin or throat itches * Feeling tired * Dark circles under eyes * Trouble sleeping * Poor tolerance for exercise * Downward trend in peak flow number * Asthma symptoms indicate that an asthma episode is occurring. Examples of asthma symptoms include: * Wheezing * Coughing * Shortness of breath * Tightness in the chest * Peak flow numbers may be in the caution or danger range (usually 50% to 80% of personal best) Changes have taken place in the airways and airflow is obstructed. Individuals with asthma experience some or all of these during an asthma episode. Action should be taken to treat these symptoms before they become worse. Talk with your healthcare provider about having a written asthma action plan. Severe asthma symptoms are a life-threatening emergency. These symptoms indicate respiratory distress. Examples of severe asthma symptoms include: * Severe coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath or tightness in the chest * Difficulty talking or concentrating * Walking causes shortness of breath * Breathing may be shallow and fast or slower than usual * Hunched shoulders (posturing) * Nasal flaring (Nostril size increases with breathing) * Neck area and between or below the ribs moves inward with breathing (retractions) * Gray or bluish tint to skin, beginning around the mouth (cyanosis) * Peak flow numbers may be in the danger zone (usually below 50% of personal best) If any of these severe asthma symptoms occur, seek emergency medical treatment right away. Have your asthma action plan for getting emergency care quickly in the event of severe asthma symptoms. Inform family members and those who are close to you or your child of this emergency action plan. Keeping a record of asthma symptoms in a symptom diary may be helpful in determining an action plan. There are many types of diaries available or you can use your own notebook. Some things to watch for and record are: * Asthma symptoms and their severity * Peak flow numbers and/or peak flow zones * School/Work days missed because of asthma * Number of nighttime awakenings due to asthma symptoms * A change in the use of quick-relief medicine * Visits to the doctor * Emergency room visits and hospital stays, if any It is very important to work with your doctor or other healthcare provider to determine the best action plan for early warning signs and for asthma symptoms. These are guidelines and the individual action plan should be determined by you and your healthcare provider.

Get to Know Cough Variant Asthma?

Most asthma sufferers do not discover that there are different variants of asthma until their first attack. Cough variant asthma affects a small percentage of asthma sufferers. Often sufferers cough persistently for some time before they are properly diagnosed. Knowing the symptoms, cause and diagnosis of cough variant asthma helps patients to get diagnosed more quickly.SymptomsCough variant asthma does not present like other types of asthma. The primary symptom of cough variant asthma is a persistent dry cough which does not produce any phlegm or mucus. To be persistent, the cough must last for longer than six weeks. Attacks may occur during the day or during the night. Attacks are most commonly triggered by exercise, allergens or other common triggers for asthma. Often, sufferers with this type of asthma show none of the classic asthma symptoms that include wheezing or difficulty breathing.CauseCough variant asthma sufferers have a more sensitive cough reflex. However, the cause for these or other asthma symptoms remains unknown.Cough variant asthma often develops after triggers like prolonged exposure to cold air, allergens or an upper respiratory infection.Certain prescribed drugs like beta-blockers may bring on cough variant asthma symptoms. Certain over-the-counter drugs like aspirin may also trigger symptoms.DiagnosisCough variant asthma is difficult to diagnose as sufferers do not present normal asthma symptoms. The persistent cough associated with this type of asthma is often confused with bronchitis or other infections that produce dry coughs.The methacoline challenge test will positively identify cough variant asthma. However, this test is only performed by specialists. And the test only points to asthma once at least 20 percent of lung function is lost.More often, physicians prescribe asthma medication. If the symptoms subside, cough variant asthma is then positively diagnosed.Once properly diagnosed and treated with the proper asthma medication, the symptoms of cough variant asthma clear up in six to eight weeks. With proper management and education, cough variant asthma is a manageable disease. Those with a persistent, dry cough should seek medical treatment as soon as possible to identify cough variant asthma as the cause or to rule out other, more serious causes of persistent dry coughs in patients.

How Did Asthma First Start?

Asthma is a pulmonary disease caused by an inflammation of the bronchial passageways. The first historical signs of asthma were recorded in the 8th century B.C. by the epic poet Homer. Anthropologists suspect that asthma originated with the human race and that it has existed for as long as we have been alive.First Recorded Signs of AsthmaAsthma was mentioned (or the first symptoms of asthma were recorded) in the epic poem "The Iliad," written by Homer around 800 B.C. The Greek physician Hippocrates (for whom the Hippocratic Oath is named) first defined asthma and the symptoms of asthma in 450 B.C. The word "asthma" is ancient Greek and translates into the phrase "to pant."First Treatments of AsthmaIn 150 B.C., Galen, a famous Greco-Roman physician, made a breakthrough observation in asthma's history. Galen noticed the connection between bronchial obstruction and the symptoms of asthma. And while Galen was on the right track in connecting the symptoms and the bronchial passageways becoming constricted, his treatment was ineffective. Galen thought the best treatment for asthma was a glass of wine mixed with owls' blood.First Medication for AsthmaModern treatment for asthma originates with the invention of the bronchodilator (thank Japanese scientist Jokici Takamine). The bronchodilator is a medication which is inhaled into the lungs and causes the inflamed airways to become less constricted. The most commonly prescribed bronchodilator is Albuterol, which is referred to as an asthmatic's "rescue inhaler."Breakthrough Research for AsthmaIn the days of Homer and Galen, very little was known about asthma and how its symptoms affected the constriction of the airways. Even as recent as the 20th century, asthma was believed to be a psychosomatic condition (many believed the sickness was in the mind of the sufferer and not a genuine physical concern). As a result, asthma was treated as a neurotic condition. Modern medical science now recognizes the delicate balance asthmatic sufferers experience between emotional concerns (anxiety, stress) and how that affects the constriction of their airways.Breakthrough Treatmens for AsthmaOnce physicians were able to understand the relationship between asthma symptoms and the triggers that cause a person to experience asthma, they were able to understand how to treat the disease, as opposed to just the symptoms. Asthmatics are now offered preventative medications to control their asthma before the onset of symptoms, as well as a bronchodilator to treat the symptoms. Asthma treatment has come a long way since Hippocrates, and thankfully it is no longer necessary for the asthmatic "to pant."i copied this from the internet so some of the parts are not really related

What are two depressants other than alcohol and their symptoms?

1. Marijuana. You can look up the symptoms. 2. Pain Killers. Any of them will do the job. You should do some research before though. Be safe. Know your dealer. Know your drug.

Information to quit smoking marijuana?

Quit Marijuana +symptoms The Complete Guide…"How to Quit Weed withoutWithdrawals or Sleepless Nights"PLUS: Natural Marijuana DetoxNo 12 Step Program… No Stress…The Complete Guide makes use of modern methods to help you quit Quit Marijuana weed. This now famous guide has helped thousands of people Quit Marijuana +symptoms. Never spend another cent on marijuana, munchies, detox kits, rehab or overpriced therapy again. Like thousands before you, quit weed the easy way…For More Info Plz Visit:-

You quit marijuana for 60 days and smoke once after that is it in your system?

Quit Marijuana +symptoms The Complete Guide…"How to Quit Weed withoutWithdrawals or Sleepless Nights"PLUS: Natural Marijuana DetoxNo 12 Step Program… No Stress…The Complete Guide makes use of modern methods to help you quit Quit Marijuana weed. This now famous guide has helped thousands of people Quit Marijuana +symptoms. Never spend another cent on marijuana, munchies, detox kits, rehab or overpriced therapy again. Like thousands before you, quit weed the easy way…For More Info Plz Visit:-