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Q: Can marijuana help while taking a test?
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First of all, you shouldn't smoke weed while you are taking Ritalin. And second, no it won't help you pass. Sorry.

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There are currently studies that have shown chewing bubble gum can help you concentrate while studying. It has also linked to better test taking when a person chews the same flavor of gum while taking the test that they chewed on while studying for that test.

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no, that is rediculous.

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How long does it take for marijuana to get out of the blood so you dont test positive when taking a blood test for marijuana?

It takes about 30 days for marijuana to get out of your system. 2 or 3 days minimum but it can linger up to a month.

When taking a semen analysis test can they tell if you smoke marijuana?

No, they can't . There is a seperate test for it and it can be detected by urine or hair folicle test.

Is there anything that will help pass a urine test for marijuana?


Do jolly ranchers help while taking a test?

Yes, my sixth grade teacher says they don't but they do.

What are all the ways to help you pass a marijuana drug test in 3 days?

take a shot of vinegar and drink tons of water. This will help a bit, but if you are a heavy user i think your SOL.