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Q: Can men use a depilatory on the pubic region?
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What is the difference between the male and female shaving razors?

There really isn't much difference. Girls shave their legs, thighs, and under their arms. Guys shave their facial hair. Both men and women shave their pubic region by choice but it is typically not standard to do so. Females have a shaved pubic region more so than men do.

How do you choose the best depilatory cream?

You should buy Veet depilatory cream. It has good results and no side effects like rashes or discoloration. It is also easy to use and carry.

Is It True Veet Depilatory Creams Are Good?

Yes, you could use depilatory cream Veet. It is a good brand and is available in all the supermarkets. It is available for different skin types and for different areas of the body.

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What are some tips and techniques for shaving the face and the pubic region?

Go as slowly as possible; take your time. Do it properly: use a sharp and new razor, or follow the instructions if you use an electric shaver.

What do body builders use to remove body hair?

They do it to make the muscle stand out better when they add oil to their skin. They either shave, wax or use depilatory cream.

Can you use brake fluid for treating pubic lice?

No, brake fluid is not a sensible treatment for pubic lice.

What shampoo can you use to get rid of pubic lice?

Lindane 1% shampoo or pyrethrin with peperonyl butoxide shampoo can be used to get rid of pubic lice.

Which are the good hair removal options?

You can use any good brand's depilatory cream. They are easy to use without any side effects. They are not even painful and the best part is that you can carry them easily wherever you go.

Can you use Nair on Tattoo?

Yes, it's a surface depilatory chemical, so it shouldn't effect the tattoo as long as it's fully healed. (3+ months.) Nair away. (:

Do condoms prevent pubic lice?

Because pubic lice are found in many areas not covered by a condom, condoms have little or no effect on their transmission. You can easily get pubic lice from someone with a lice infestation even if you use a condom.

Can you use pubic hair dye to dye the hair on the head?

i tried and it sucked