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A merchant can & will require a minimum purchase amount in some cases. The credit card company charges the merchant for each transaction. If a purchase does not exceed the amount they are being charged from the cc company, they can decline to process your card. Most merchants have a sign explaining their policy.

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Q: Can merchants place a minimum amount on credit card purchases?
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Is it legal for merchants to charge consumer credit card fees?

Yes; the credit card companies charge the merchants in order to receive payments from them. In some cases (usually at small businesses or ones that do not do a lot of business monthly) the merchants can charge a small fee associated with using the credit card, or set a minimum amount to avoid the fee i.e. any purchase under $5 gets charged a fee, anything above that amount doesn't.

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A credit card allows you to pay for purchases at a later date. Credit card balances have a minimum payment due, but by paying more than the minimum, you save on interest payments.

What does Balance on company credit card represents?

it denotes the amount of unpaid purchases on the card.

Should you pay of the monthly credit card payment of just make minimum payment?

Always try to pay off the full amount - you'll pay out a lot less in the long run. You should budget for your purchases even when you use a credit card.

What the diff between credit and debit card?

A credit card is money loaned to you (credit) by the issuing bank or company. You may use it to pay for purchases up to the amount of your credit line. A debit card is based on your account balance and not on any loaned amount. You may use it to pay for purchases not in excess of your account balance.

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Is it legal to invoice in Canadian funds but charge that amount in US funds on your credit card?

if your credit card is Canadian and you go to the USA your purchases will be charged in US funds, if your credit card is American and you come to Canada you purchases will be in Canadian funds.

How Debit cards are differ from credit cards?

Debit cards charges money direct from a checking account whenever purchases are made, while a credit card allows borrowing of money at local merchants.

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