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i have never heard of a mermaid who could walk on land, however i have heard of selkies. Selkies are from scottish and Irish myths, they are like seals, but at night they come out of the water and take off their seal skins and are actually enchanted women. Though they did come onto land, they were careful never to go too far onto it- and still preferred water to it.

In some tales, it is said that after the beautiful women took off their seal skins, men who had spied them before, would steal the suit and lure to women back to their house and force them to live their lives as the man's human bride- promising only then to give them back their seal skin so they could return to the ocean. The clever men afterwords burned the seal skins so their wives could never return to the sea. However i have heard a few tales in which the selkie would eventually find their seal skin and return to the sea.

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13y ago

mermaids are not real,and no they cant come on land.

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Do mermaids live on land?

Normally, no. But some legends describe mermaids as reproducing by temporarily replacing their tail with legs and feet in order to seduce a land-dwelling man.

Do mermaids have legs and feet when they go on land or do they die on land?

Traditionally, mermaids are depicted as having both a fish tail and humanoid upper body, so they do not have legs and feet to walk on land and would not survive out of water for long periods. The idea that mermaids die on land is a common theme in fiction and folklore.

What kind of land do mermaids live in?

Mermaids live in the Ocean, they do not live on land or in land.

Do mermaids have shoes?

No ~MermaidEmily They have no feet. No feet, no shoes... **Lucky**

Where do mermaids live in Florida?

Nowhere. Mermaids can be found in books, movies, and other fictional media, but nowhere else.I hope you realize Florida is a piece of land. Mermaids don't live on land.

What sport can mermaids not do?

all that involve land.

How long is a mermaids tail?

mermaids doesn't exist if it does I'm guessing it would be longer than 5 feet

What did mermaids do in their lifetime?

get born live on land 4 21 years go back 2 c & do watevr there supposed 2 do

Where can you find animated pictures of mermaids?

go to google click on imiges type in mermaids or cartoon mermaids, or computer animated mermaids or just animaited memaids.

Why do mermaids try to walk on land?

Mermaids are purely fictional and fantasy creatures, the may do whatever the author of the story decides.

Are mermais real?

Mermaids are not real. Unless you are in a fantasy land.

How do mermaids mate?

For a start, merfolk don't even exist. But if you want a logical answer, they probably lay eggs and then fertilise them. In some mythological stories, mermaids and mermen can turn into humans when they get on land (meaning they get legs and other things that are below the waist). Some say mermen and mermaids mate in their human forms on land (just as humans do), then return to the sea. Mermaids can then give birth on land, and return to the sea with their offspring.