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Nope. Just like the babies of all mammals, puppies come from a mating between a dog and a bitch, or put another way, the father dog and the mother dog.

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Q: Can miniature poodles have babies without a male?
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yes you can say have your baby i did it and it works

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It depends greatly on the person you are purchasing it from. For example, if you bought a male poodle from a professional poodle breeder, chances are it will be rather expensive. However, if you bought a male poodle from a shelter for abused animals, it should be either free or have a small cost. Size also comes into play with cost, as there are three sizes of poodles: standard, miniature, and toy.

Can a male betta male have babies without a female?

Hmm, intresting. Of all my time of breeding bettas for fun, I never had a male betta which has a baby on its own.