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yes you can say have your baby i did it and it works

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Q: Can a female black widow have babies without a male?
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Related questions

What the female black widow called?

a widow..

How many babies can a black widow have?

about a hundred

What is the most dangerous the female or the male black widow?

I would say the female because it has more venom than a male black widow

What is a harmful female spider?

A Black Widow.

Which is more dangerous the male or female black widow?

The female black widow spider is larger than the male, and therefore carries more venom.

What is a black widow spider's babies called?

An immature black widow spider can be called a "spiderling."

How many babies does a black widow have?

a black widow spider will lay 100 to 400 eggs all being contained in the egg sack...

What black spider lives in Georgia that looks like a black widow but is all black?

it is a black widow. it is all black becausse only female black widows have the red mark on their back. this means that is a male black widow.

Is a black widow raelly dangerus?

Yes, the female black spider is highly venomous. Vaccines for a female black widow spider are more common than they used to be, but if untreated, a bite from the spider can kill a human.

How many babies do black widows have?

A female Black Widow Spider can produce four to nine egg sacs in one summer, each containing about 100-400 eggs.

Do black widow spiders die after killing mate?

No. After killing her mate, the female black widow must live on afterwards to lay the eggs.

Female black widow?

A black widow spider is any of several species of venomous and potentially deadly Spiders, especially Latrodectus sp..