

Can monkeys get pregnant

Updated: 10/25/2022
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12y ago

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yes that's where monkeys come from other monkeys getting pregnant

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Q: Can monkeys get pregnant
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Facts about pregnant monkeys?

monkeys are pregnant for 8 months AND are pregnant for 29.3 weeks. Normally monkeys have only 1 baby and twins are rare.

How long are Marmoset monkeys pregnant for?


How long are howler monkeys pregnant?

the average monkey takes 8 to nine months

What do pregnant monkeys look like?

like a really hairy woman thats pregneat

Can monkeys get pregnat?

First, lets fix your spelling, "Can monkeys get pregnant?" Certainly. Pretty much any species that has legs and quite a few that don't (fish, snakes) engage in sexual reproduction and can be pregnant. The only things that don't get pregnant are some microbes, which reproduce by splitting (mitosis/meosis) and viruses, which reproduce by invading a host cell and making it reproduce for them.

How do monkeys have babies?

Monkeys get pregnant and deliver babies and care for them very much the same way humans do those things. For the people who did not get this, monkeys have sex. The male monkey enters his penis into the female monkey's vagina so the sperm meets the egg and they can make a baby.

How long are monkeys in womb?

Well monkeys are usually pregnant for a 7 months, but the smaller the monkey the less time ans the bigg, the longer. I hope that makes sense =) The gestation period of monkeys depends on their size. For instance, some monkeys may have a gestation period of 164 days before the baby monkey is born.The average gestation period for monkeys is seven months. However, the size of the monkey determines if the period will be less or more. Small monkeys take less time.

How long does the baby spider monkey stay inside the mother?

Spider monkeys are pregnant for about 7 months (226 to 232 days).

How do the rates of the forward and reverse reactions compare at a state of dynamic chemical equilibrium?

At the chemical equilibeium, rate of forward reaction is same as that of backward reaction. Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys

If humans are pregnant for 9 months how long are monkeys pregnant for?

Species & (days): human, 266 chimpanzee, 227 gorilla, 257 orangutan, 260 baboon, 187 monkey, Rhesushesus, 164 monkey, Patas, 167

How do you use monkeys' in a sentence?

The plural is monkeys. The monkeys were kept in cages. The plural possessive is monkeys'. The monkeys' cages were dirty.

Do monkeys turn into gorillas?

monkeys are monkeys. gorillas are gorillas. they are two separate species of primates