

Can monkeys have powers

Updated: 12/15/2022
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Q: Can monkeys have powers
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Can monkeys fly and have super powers?

No but that would be awesome thank you for the amazing Question

Will people ever have super powers?

Yes I think we will have super powers. But It will be in the future but maybe in 30 or 40 years maybe. Some scientists are working on a fluid that gives mutant powers but are testing on monkeys. But yes I think we will have super powers in the future

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At the chemical equilibeium, rate of forward reaction is same as that of backward reaction. Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys

What was the significance of the second battle. of the Marne?

the central powers summoned the flying monkey's to go and throw spears at the allied powers who then took defense by pooping in their hands and throwing it up at the monkeys which temporarily blinded them so the allies eventually killed all the nazis

How do you use monkeys' in a sentence?

The plural is monkeys. The monkeys were kept in cages. The plural possessive is monkeys'. The monkeys' cages were dirty.

Do monkeys turn into gorillas?

monkeys are monkeys. gorillas are gorillas. they are two separate species of primates

Does a witch give monkeys the ability to fly in 'Wicked'?

Yes, a witch gives monkeys the ability to fly in "Wicked."Specifically, it is Elphaba Thropp who gives caged simians the ability to fly and thereby become known as the Flying Monkeys of Oz. At the time, Elphaba is just a green-skinned student from Shiz University. She has powers but is not yet known as the Wicked Witch of the West or in fact as any kind of witch.

What is a group monkeys call?

A group of monkeys is called a troop of monkeys. Another collective noun is a barrel of monkeys.

What likes to eat monkeys?

lions and tigers like to eat monkeys so when the monkeys see them the monkeys camouflage

What is called group of of monkeys?

A group of monkeys is called a troop of monkeys. Another collective noun is a barrel of monkeys.

What is a number of monkeys together called?

The collective noun for monkeys is a troop of monkeys.