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Yes it can be. Though, mono is most commonly contracted by kissing and sharing drinks with friends. Mono is pretty common about 1 in 1200 have the disease.

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Q: Can mono be transmitted through semen?
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How is the virus of mono transmitted?

Mono is spread through saliva, with an incubation period of 4 to 7 weeks, giving it the nickname the 'Kissing Disease'.

How is AIDS transmitted sexually?

Aids is transmitted sexually and any exchange of bodily fluids.!

What causes mono?

It is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. It can be transmitted through direct or indirect exchange of saliva, hence the nickname "kissing disease."

Is HPV transmitted by semen?

It is possible to transmit HPV via semen.

What four fluids can HIV be transmitted through?

Blood.seman,milk in the womans breast,urine

Method of transmission of HIV?

HIV is transmitted through blood, semen, breast milk, & other body fluids.

Is hep b transmitted through air?

Nope... It's transmitted from person to person via contact with infected body fluids (blood, saliva, semen etc).

Does semen and vaginal fluid need to come into contact in order for HIV to be passed?

HIV can be transmitted by semen or by vaginal fluid, even if those fluids don't meet. The pathogen is transmitted though mucous membranes or broken skin, not through some alchemy that occurs when vaginal fluid and semen meet.

Is mono an airborn disease?

Mononucleosis is typically transmitted from asymptomatic individuals through saliva (hence "the kissing disease"), or by sharing a drink, or sharing eating utensils. It may also be transmitted through blood. It is NOT an aiborne disease

Can aids be transmitted through semen in eye?

yeah because its a opening to the body and if it doesn't die and some make it then u can get it too

What's Mono?

It is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. It can be transmitted through direct or indirect exchange of saliva, hence the nickname "kissing disease."

Can you get HIV from sharing bath towle?

No. HIV is transmitted through contact with infected blood, semen, vaginal fluid or breast milk.