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I'm a little confused about what kind of "retention" you mean. If you truly mean "retention" in the medical sense, that kind of "fluid retention", called swelling or edema, doesn't really occur "in" the vagina. Instead, any fluid retention occurs in the tissues such as the mons (over the pubic bone) or labia. Edema of this sort would only occur if another serious condition is present, such as acites (fluid retention and significant swelling of the abdomen).

If you mean that the fluid used in a douche seems to have not fully drained from the vagina, that is not really "fluid retention". The vagina is like an inverted glass, with many nooks and crannies (example: loosely wrap a piece of seran wrap around a glass and you'll have an idea of the nooks, crannies, and wrinkles you'd see in a vagina). The vaginal walls have creases where fluid can settle. But as a female walks, runs, sits, lays, any additional fluid that is still in the vagina drains out. Gravity helps the vagina clear fluids and push them to the outside.

As a side note, the vagina is a self-cleaning area. Females really do not need to douche to keep the vagina "clean"-- the vagina cleans itself by natural fluids that, with gravity, push fluids to the outside of the body. In fact, douching can upset the normal Ph found in the vagina and upset the balance of normal microorganisms all humans have on the body and all females have in their vaginas. So, instead of "cleaning" with douching, a female may actually make her vagina get "sick" (example: yeast can start to over-grow and cause a yeast infection).

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