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Not without a court order if a legal custody order is already in place. And if such an order is not in place, now would be a good time to get one, including that provision. It would be up to the court whether or not it would be accepted, but such an order would protect the rights of everyone involved.

If you have a custody order, consult it for your rights and restrictions or consult an attorney specializing in family law in your area for more information and assistance.

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Q: Can mothergive temporary custody to great grand parent even if the father wants the child?
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Do temporary child support and temporary custody mean the same thing?

No. Custody means the child lives with you. Support means you are paying the parent who has custody.

From what I read both parents must sign temporary custody for it to be valid. If parent with custody signs over temporary custody to a non relative can noncustodial parent step in and take child?

Not without a a first right of refusal in the current custody orders, or custody modification

Can a custodial parent sign over temporary custody if the non custodial parent is in prison?

No. Only the court can enter an order of temporary custody. With the non-custodial parent incarcerated and with the consent of the custodial parent the court would likely approve a temporary guardianship that is in the best interest of the child.

Can you move out of state with your kids if the father has temporary custody?

No. You cannot move out of state without notifying the court. The other parent can file an injunction preventing your removing the children from the jurisdiction of the court and if youare not the parent with temporary custody then you could be arrested.

Can a maternal grand parent get child support from kids father if mom is in jail and has temporary custody?

Yes, both parents owe her child support.

What parent had custody of trayvon Martin?

Trayvon Martin lived with his father at the time of his death. It is not know which parent had custody at that time, but he had been staying with his father.

Should a father ask for child support first?

The parent who will have physical custody is the parent who can request child support.The parent who will have physical custody is the parent who can request child support.The parent who will have physical custody is the parent who can request child support.The parent who will have physical custody is the parent who can request child support.

Is it possible in the state of Louisiana without a lawyer for a parent to file a motion for temporary custody while the other parent is in possession of the child and refusing visitation?

In the state of Louisiana, it is possible for a parent, withut a lawyer, to file a motion for temporary custody while the other parent is in possession of the child and refusing visitation.

Mother has custody of children but they are living with father temporary can he take the child support away?

Perhaps, and probably. As with all such matters, the father or noncustodial parent must petition the courts with regard to changes to the existing order.

Can one parent keep another parent from picking minor children up from daycare?

Yes, if that parent has sole legal custody of the child.Yes, if the parents are unmarried and the other parent (father) hasn't established his paternity legally.Yes, if that parent has sole legal custody of the child.Yes, if the parents are unmarried and the other parent (father) hasn't established his paternity legally.Yes, if that parent has sole legal custody of the child.Yes, if the parents are unmarried and the other parent (father) hasn't established his paternity legally.Yes, if that parent has sole legal custody of the child.Yes, if the parents are unmarried and the other parent (father) hasn't established his paternity legally.

Can a parent get custody of the child if the other parent is in the process of getting own place?

Temporary custody yes, if the other parent, who's moving, has been granted permanent custody but has no place to live at the moment. If you are married and can't agree on custody you have to go to court and let the judge decide.

In Mississippi can a minor choose which parent to live with if she does not live with the grandparent who has temporary custody and that grandparent wants to send her to live with her father?

Minor's are not allowed to choose with whom they wish to live, although the judge may speak with the child and take his or her opinions into consideration when making custodial decisions. Likewise, the grandparent who has temporary custody cannot release the minor into the custody of any other person including a parent without first obtaining permission from the court.