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Q: Can mountains form from level surface and move upward?
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What are upwarped mountains?

Forces form below the rock layers push upward, lifting portions of the rock layers up above the surface of the surrounding landscape.

What can form when a volcano reaches the surface?

Mountains form when the volcano reaches the surface

Compare and contrast lava plateaus and dome mountains?

Both landforms develop as a result of the upward movement of molten material. Lava plateaus are high, level areas that form when thin, runny lava repeatedly erupts on the surface. In contrast, dome mountains are high, dome-shaped areas that form when hardened magma is uplifted and bends the layers of rock above it into a dome.

When two plates converge does compression force rocks upward to form mountains?


Who built the rocky mountains?

No person "built" the Rocky Mountains! Mountains form from a geological process, typically from folding of the earth's surface and sub-surface.

What type of mountain is form by upward movements by ckunks of earths crust?

I believe it's Andes Mountains.

How do folded volcanic and fault block mountains differ?

Volcanic mountains can erupt, folded mountains form when rock layers are squeezed together and pushed upward, fault block mountains form when tension makes the lithosphere break into many normal faults

Compare and contrast lava plateaus and dome mountain.?

Both landforms develop as a result of the upward movement of molten material. Lava plateaus are high, level areas that form when thin, runny lava repeatedly erupts on the surface. In contrast, dome mountains are high, dome-shaped areas that form when hardened magma is uplifted and bends the layers of rock above it into a dome.

What happens to the mountains and deep valleys that makes the earth's surface uneven?

The valleys cut their way down to sea level and as this happens the mountains get eroded away to (by rain, ice and wind). The end stage is that the flatish land surface becomes almost level with the high tide of the sea. However the sediments eroded away get deposited on the ocean deeps and when the continents crash together again these form new mountains.

What is the height of a land form in relation to sea level?


How does a normal fault change the surface?

normal faults cause mountains to form

How does volcanic materials form mountains?

yes because when two plants convege , compression forces rocks upward to make mountians