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yes. In the modern processes of making man-made diamonds, it has been found that impurities in the output are reduced when (tiny) diamonds are used as the feedstock rather than graphite as had been used before. see diamonds in

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Q: Can multiple diamonds somehow be made into just one diamond?
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What are the components of a diamond ring?

A diamond ring is composed of a diamond or multiple diamonds, and a metal band.

How do jewelers get the diamonds?

Diamonds can be cut with a diamond bladed saw, or with a laser, or they can be cleaved with a hammer and chisel.

Are chocolate diamonds man made?

Man-made diamonds can be almost any colour, just like natural diamonds. The colour of a diamond will not be the sole definition of almost any colour of diamond.

Would a manufactured diamond be a mineral?

Manufactured diamonds are fashioned from the mineral carbon, just like natural diamonds.

Do diamonds get set in 925 silver?

Some diamonds do get set in 925 silver, but they are usually just diamond chips. Diamonds are commonly set in platinum, white gold and gold.

What are uncut diamonds?

Uncut diamonds are just as they are found in the diamond mines. Read more about them, and what they become when cut and polished, by following the link, below.

Are redstone ores near diamond ores in minecraft?

No, diamonds are found near lava. Diamonds being near redstone ore is just a myth

Is diamond just made up of just carbon?

Yes, pure diamonds are made up of just carbon. Unless, they have impurities.

Is diamonds mixtures?

Pure diamonds are just carbon interlinked very strongly so almost never break but fake diamonds are not pure therefor can break. So if it's a real diamond they are not mixtures.

What are the 4c's of diamonds?

Carat, Clarity, Color, and Cut. Carat weight is the weight of the diamond - one carat equals about .2 grams. Clarity is how clear or see-through the diamond is. The color of diamonds can be just about anything, but generally they are clear or a light yellow. The cut of a diamond is how proportionate and symmetrical it is.

What is a lab diamond?

A lab diamond is a diamond that is created in a lab under very controlled circumstances that mimic the environment in the earth's mantle. Lab diamonds and mined diamonds are identical. The only difference is their provenance.

Why wont it give you diamond when it should on minecraft?

When you mine a diamond ore you have to use either an iron a diamond pickaxe. Anything else will just remove the block and not leave any diamonds left.