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yes, all plants and even some bacteria carry out photosynthesis. Most needle like plants (such as pine trees and other evergreen trees) stay "alive" throughout the winter. This is because the shape of their leaves allows them better storage of water and sunlight. Hope this helped

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Q: Can needle like plant carry out photosynthesis?
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The main criteria to carry out photosynthesis is having chloroplasts. Plants in particular have these

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(1) The leaves make food for the plant by photosynthesis. (2) The leaves get rid of excess water from the plant through transpiration. (3) The leaves carry out the process of respiration in plants. The leaves make food for the plant by the process of photosynthesis.

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What are four things necessary for a plant to carry out photosynthesis?

O2CO2H20Sun light (or some artificial light)Other things (like enzymes) are required, but those are the most basic four

Is the main function of a vein of a leaf is to transfer chloroplasts throughout the plant for maximum efficiency of photosynthesis?

Not exactly. The vein of a leaf acts just like the veins and arteries in the human body. They carry water throughout the leaf and plant.

What kingdom has microscopic organisms that have characteristics of plant cells?

The kingdom that has microscopic organisms with characteristics of plant cells is the kingdom Protista. Some protists, such as algae and diatoms, are unicellular and contain chloroplasts, which enable them to carry out photosynthesis like plant cells do.