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More abundant in water than what?

If we presume that you mean to compare the concentration of dissolved nitrogen found in rivers and streams to that dissolved in air, there is only a very small amount, around 1%, dissolved in water but, there is around 79% dissolved in air.

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11y ago

Nitrogen and oxygen are both elements. One is not in the other. Normal air contains mostly nitrogen and a little oxygen.

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Q: Can nitrogen be filtered out of water?
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Is tap water better then bottled water for plants?

That depends if the tap water is filtered or not. Bottled water is filtered, and some tap water isn't, but if the tap water is filtered, then both kinds of water are the same healthiness to plants.

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It is called urea

What is removed when water is filtered?

what is removed when water is filtered is all of the bad things in the water filter. hope this answers your question.

Is filtered water better than pipe water?

While filtered water has less germs pipe water has more minerals and vitamins

Is tap water filtered?

water is filtered in large machines, and takes 72 hours to clean, and then gets bottled, and sold.

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Describe the make up of pure water?

Chemically pure water is simply dihydrogen oxide or hydronium hydroxide. Distilled pure water is chemically pure water plus some gases (oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide) from contact with the air and possibly some light organics with B.P. s around 100oC De ionized pure water is chemically pure water with non-polar compounds and potentially some gases and microorganisms plus some gases (oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide) from contact with the air Filtered pure water is chemically pure water with no organic or inorganic particles but any dissolved materials and salts plus some gases (oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide) from contact with the air Carbon filtered water is chemically pure water and no particulate or organic components and no dissolved metals plus some gases (oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide) from contact with the air.

What body wastes represent the water to be filtered?

the body wastes represent the water to be filtered are the metabolic wastes and other substances from the blood