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Yes, Non-disjunction occurs when sex chromosomes fail to separate. This occurrence leads to variable numbers of chromosomes and the manifestation of developmental diseases such as Down syndrome, Turner syndrome, etc.

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Yup, both can be affected

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Q: Can nondisjunction affect autosomes and sex chromosomes?
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What is the term for chromosomes that do not determine sex?

Chromosomes that aren't sex chromosomes are called autosomes. There are 44 autosomes in a normal human somatic cell and 22 in normal human gametes. The only chromosomes that affect the sex of an organism is the X and/or Y chromosome. XX = Female and XY = Male.

Are klinefelter syndrome and Turner syndrome results of nondisjunction of autosomes?

No, they are nondisjunctions of the sex chromosomes (since in Turner syndrome you only have 1 sex chromosome and in Klinefelter syndrome you have 3).

All chromosomes except the X and Y sex chromosomes are called?

homologous chromosomes and autosomal chromosomes

True or false Chromosomes other than sex chromosomes are autosomes.?

This is True. Chromosomes other than sex chromosomes are autosomes.

Chromosomes other than those involved in sex determination are knows as?

The chromosomes you are referring to are called autosomes.

What is the difference between sex chromosomes and autosomes?

Autosomes are the somatic chromosomes which control the body characters or somatic characters, Whereas Sex chromosomes are the allosomes which determines sex of an individual

Autosomes are what kind of chromosomes?

non-sex chromosomes

How are autosomes similar to sex chromosomes?

Sex chromosomes and autosomes are from the same chromosome, The chromosome has 46 chromosomes and 2 of them are sex chromosomes and the rest are called autosomes

Is it true that in humans the are 23 pairs of matching homologous chromosomes called autosomes?

No, 22 pairs of chromosomes are autosomes. The last, or 23rd, pair are sex chromosomes.

What pairs of human chromosomes are autosomes?

Autosomes are the chromosomes which do not determine the sex of the offspring. for example, in humans, there are 22 pairs of autosomes, and one pair of sex chromosomes. Autosomes are chromosomes 1-22, and the sex chromosomes are chromosome 23.

What does a nondisjunction involve?

it occurs when the chromosomes during meiosis do not separate correctly and then it results in a gamete or egg cell too have too few or too many chromosomes. This can lead to different diseases.

What chromosomes are autosomes?

The 44 chromosomes that are not sex chromosomes. 1st through the 22nd pair. The X and Y chromosomes are the only chromosomes not autosomes.