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Q: Can nuclear power production be kept safe natural disasters?
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What are all of the natural disasters that have happened in japan?

Earthquakes, Floods and A nuclear Power PLant blowing up.

What percentage of US power production is from nuclear power?

It is 28% nuclear power.

How are nuclear disasters caused by earthquakes?

Earthquakes can damage the safety systems of nuclear power plants, which can lead to meltdowns.

Did you know Difference between atomic power production and nuclear power production?

There is none.

What is application of nuclear science and technology?

In power production (i.e. production of electricity) in nuclear power plants. It is also used in curing cancer.

Is nuclear disaster is natural?

No.It is usually Nuclear Power plants or Bombs. But a Nuclear Disaster is NEVER natural.

Which is an example of how local environmental disasters can have a global impact?

The incident at a nuclear power plant in Chernobyl, Russia.

Why can't they use the nuclear fusion rocket technology in for power production?

Nuclear fusion rocket technology is too expensive to use as a means for power production.

What is an example of how local environmental disasters can have a global impact?

The incident at a nuclear power plant in Chernobyl, Russia.

Why is uranium used in nuclear power production?

Uranium is a radioactive substance. Nuclear power production is carried out by the energy supplied by nuclear reactors. Nuclear reactors control the energy emission by nuclear fission reaction in radioactive substance when bombarded by neutrons.

Name the disasters hit japan recently.?

tsunami,earthquake and nuclear power station meltdown

Which power plant has least running production cost?

nuclear power plant