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Q: Can nystatin cause bowel discloration
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Can Inflammatory bowel disease cause polyps?

Inflammatory bowel disease may cause growth of polyps and pseudo-polyps

Does constant constipation cause bowel cancer?

While constant constipation itself may not directly cause bowel cancer, it can be associated with certain risk factors that may increase the likelihood of developing bowel cancer over time. Chronic constipation, particularly if it leads to prolonged or repeated straining during bowel movements, can potentially contribute to the development of certain bowel conditions or factors that are linked to an increased risk of bowel cancer. These include: Bowel Habits: Chronic constipation can alter bowel habits and disrupt normal bowel function, leading to infrequent or incomplete bowel movements. Prolonged stool retention in the colon may increase exposure to potentially harmful substances, such as toxins or carcinogens, present in the stool. Bowel Diseases: Chronic constipation may be associated with certain bowel diseases or conditions that are linked to an increased risk of bowel cancer, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. These conditions involve chronic inflammation of the bowel lining, which can predispose individuals to cellular changes that may progress to cancer over time. Dietary Factors: Chronic constipation may be indicative of dietary habits that are low in fiber, fluids, and other essential nutrients. A diet lacking in fiber and rich in processed foods, red and processed meats, and saturated fats has been associated with an increased risk of bowel cancer. Insufficient dietary fiber intake can contribute to constipation and may also affect bowel health and transit time. Lifestyle Factors: Chronic constipation may be more common in individuals with sedentary lifestyles or inadequate physical activity. Lack of regular exercise can contribute to sluggish bowel function and increase the risk of constipation. Sedentary behavior has also been associated with a higher risk of bowel cancer independently of constipation. While chronic constipation may be associated with factors that increase the risk of bowel cancer, it's important to note that not all cases of constipation lead to cancer. Additionally, many cases of constipation are benign and can be managed with lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, and over-the-counter remedies. However, individuals experiencing chronic or persistent constipation should consult with a healthcare provider for proper evaluation, diagnosis, and management to identify and address any underlying causes or risk factors for bowel cancer. Regular screenings for bowel cancer, such as colonoscopies, may also be recommended based on individual risk factors and guidelines. Early detection and intervention remain key in effectively managing bowel health and reducing the risk of cancer.

What is the possible complications of nystatin oinment ingestion?

what to do for nystatin ingestion

What cause to a men to have a bowel bleeding?

Bowel bleeding is usually due to piles in both sexes.

Can you use nystatin to treat exzema?

can nystatin triamcinolone work on eczema

What sypmtoms would cause increase bowel movements?

Symptoms do not cause increased bowel movements. Increased bowel movement is a symptom of bowel disease which usually presents with abdominal pain and diarrhoea, and this can be caused by infection like gastroenteritis which can be viral or bacterial. Inflammatory bowel disease like crohn's and ulcerative colitis is another cause. Pancreatic insufficiency can causes diarrhoea due to malabsorption. People with nervous disposition can get nervous diarrhoea related to stress and also spastic colon or irritable bowel can cause diarrhea and cramp like abdominal pain. Increased bowel movement will also be seen in bowel obstruction with increased effort of the bowel to push the bowel content through the obstruction.

What can the moon sometimes cause?

irritable bowel syndrome

Does eating a red snow cone cause red in bowel movement?

Eating a red snow cone does not cause red in bowel movements. This dye is absorbed into the system first.

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What is the cause of orange jelly in poo?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome