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It may help heal the sores or blisters but nystatin cream is more used to treat fungal or candidas infections. If it burns or irritate your skin then discontinue using it and get some over the counter cold sore cream or antiviral medication.

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Q: Can nystatin cream treat genital herpes?
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Nystatin and triamcinolone acetonide cream are not both needed for shingles, especially since nystatin is for yeast infections. Triamcinolone acetonide can be used successfully to treat rashes and psoriasis.

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What is nystatin cream usp?

It's an anitfungal medication used to treat things like jock itch, ringworm, used also on babies when they get fungal infections from diaper rash.

What is Acyclovir?

Aciclovir is a medication used to treat the herpes virus infections. It also is used to treat chickenpox. It is not meant to cure these infections but to prevent a breakout of herpes or blisters.

Can you use fluocinonide ointment on ringworm?

If it's an antibbiotic then that won't work for herpes. For genital herpes the best way to treat it is with with antiviral medications like valtrex, famvir or acyclovir. If it's on your mouth then you can apply over the counter cold sore creams to treat it.

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Hydrochloride jelly is used in the treatment of genital herpes. Remember herpes is for life, so the jell only manages it.

What is Nystatintriamcin Cream used for?

Nystatin and triamcinolone are topical creams used to treat skin infections caused by fungus or yeast. Nystatin is an antibiotic that prevents fungus from growing on your skin, while triamcinolone is a steroid that reduces the actions of chemicals in the body that cause inflammation, redness, and swelling.

How do you holisticly treat oral herpes?

herpes is a virus that infects the nerve cells in your body. there are several serotypes (varieties) but the most common are HSV1 (herpes simplex virus 1) and HSV2. while HSV1 is more commonly "oral" herpes and HSV2 is more commonly "genital" herpes, both can be transmitted to either location. There is no treatment for herpes. once you have been infected, you are infected for life. A person can only treat the symptoms of herpes to make the outbreaks less painfull and of a shorter duration. There are no holistic remedies that have been scientifically proven.