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Q: Can one piece of chocolate cereal hurt a little dog?
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Does chocolate hurt golden retrevers?

Yes, and no if you give it a lots of chocolate yes. If it is a little it will not hurt the dog.

Will your small bird die if they eat chocolate?

A little bit of chocolate won't hurt a little bird. If your bird dies it's not because of the chocolate.

Can one tiny piece of chocolate hurt your hamster?

possibly yes , chocolate is bad for any animal your animal wouldnt die if it was a crumb of chocolate but if it was a lill block of chocolate ghen yes ur hamster could die .

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How much chocolate does it take to hurt a cat?

More than a nibble will hurt a cat. Especially dark chocolate

Does chocolate have the same effect on cats as it does on dogs?

Yes chocolate is toxic to most animals and shouldn't be ingested if possible. If your cat/dog happens to get a hold of a small piece it shouldn't hurt but nothing large or on a regular basis

Do the wrestling ring hurt?

yes it just a thick piece of wood with very little foam padding with a canvas over it

If ants get in your cereal and they poop will that hurt you when you eat the cereal?

Probably not. Ant droppings are usually not contaminated by bacteria as with some other insects.

You have a chocolate lab he is shaking.why?

he's hurt or afraid.

Will a small piece of pretzel hurt a rabbit?

A small piece of pretzel will not hurt your rabbit. But dry bread is a better alternative as a treat.

Is chocolate disgusting?

i will hunt down anyone that dislikes chocolate and if your diabetic then you in for a world of hurt and sugar rushes

How can you avoid lumps while cooking hot cereal?

Putting cereal in boiling water is a surefire recipe for lumps. Put the cereal in cold water, BEFORE it boils, stirring occasionally. Using a whisk doesn't hurt either.