

Can one who is a drug abuser harm others?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Yes. It harms the family and friends of the drug abuser. Also, if anyone looks up to that person, they could do the same thing.

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Q: Can one who is a drug abuser harm others?
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When the sensation of alcohol is at maximum the user abuser will look for another source?

The compulsive behaviors is driven to overcome the intolerable rage of being helpless and not in control of ones life. The object of the addiction is not the addictive part. If quit one drug or non-drug addiction, usually go to a different object of displacement to focus on.

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You don't need physical evidence for proof. Just the fact that your afraid of your abuser is enough to get the law involved.

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Well if its UNintended, then no it doesn't make you a abuser. The abuser continues his abusive ways even after it's been brought up to him or her. Just be sure to talk to your spouse about this problem. Let them know that you are sorry for what you did and you did not mean to do it.