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Q: Can only one person in the house get scabies?
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How do you transfer scabies from one person to another?

Scabies is transmitted by being in close contact with an infected person. For example, sleeping in the same bed as an infected person or by skin-on-skin contact.

If only one person in the household is working can they garnish that person's wages for a voluntary repo and can they take your house if you have equity?

Only if that person is on the contract cosigner etc. and no they cant take your house.

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That is like asking if goldilocks was the only person who ever broke into the bear's house and slept in their beds

Can one have scabies in hair?

NO.only animals

What bug bites only 1 person out of 5 people in a house while they are sleeping and sharing the same bed with one other person?

One with an eating disorder...

When adding a spouse to a title or deed only can that person claim the house on taxes or can only the mortgage holder do that?

One person at a time depending on the state. or both together on a joint return.

Why is your skin dry itchy and cracking. My doctor said it was scabies but no one else in my family got it and it is only on my hands?

dry indoor air

Where is man in secret house at safari zone in red version?

there is only one man in the secret house there is only one man in the secret house there is only one man in the secret house

What note doesnt have a picture of a person on both sides?

The answer is the $5 note. One one side it has Queen Elizabeth II and on the other side, the parliament house. This note has only one person on it instead of two.

Where can one find my house and its value?

One can find another person's house if they have the address of that person using map tool search. About the values of the house, one can ask directly to the owner or get a house evaluating expert to do the job.

Which Australian state has only one house of parliament?

Queensland has only one House of Parliament, the Legislative Assembly.

Is there only one White House?

There is only one White House, the residence of the President of the United States of America. It was burned during the War of 1812 and rebuilt, but it remains the one and only White House.