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Yes, it can.

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Q: Can organic carbon in water kill fish?
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Do tsunamis kill fish in the ocean?

It can effect fish by making the fish get offshore or hit the fish with to much water.

Lightening striking water?

yes lightning can strike water and it can travel underwater and kill fish.

Can you vent the exhaust vent of a upstairs natural gas dryer into the basement without being carbon-oxide poisoned?

No. Products of combustion are: carbon dioxide, water, carbon monoxide, and light Carbon monoxide this is why it is vented outside. CO is odorless and can KILL YOU.

How does smoke affect the water?

Well, the smoke , is getting in the water and, polluting it! It will make it not useful for such drinking purposes and can kill animals. It is especially harmful in reservoirs for our own drinking purposes.

Why is it dangerous to run a engine in an enclosed place?

The engine burn oxygen with petrol or diesel which is a combination of carbon and hydrogen. The exhaust gases should be carbon dioxide and water (H2O) in vapour form. There will also be some incomplete combustion which means in stead of just carbon dioxide and water there will be some carbon monoxide and sometimes even carbon (soot). Carbon monoxide is very dangerous us, just small amounts will kill you. While carbon dioxide on the other hand technically can't kill you, in high enough concentrations you can suffer carbon dioxide poisoning. Just like in a locked and air tight sealed room you'll die of carbon dioxide poisoning before you die if oxygen deprevation. So it's down to inhaling the dangerous exhaust fumes. That'll cause you to pass out and then eventually kill you.

Related questions

Can water pumps kill fish?

no a water pump can not kill a fish

Is there such a thing as a natural fish kill?

Yes. Because algae blooms occur naturally. Also, when there's too much algae, there will be no circulation of carbon dioxide in the water. Therefore resulting a fish kill.

How do you boil a half-filled jar containing water and not kill a live fish in it?

If the jar has water in it with the fish, you will kill them.

Do acetic acid can kill a fish?

Yes, water that is too acidic will kill fish.

Does boats exhaust kill fish?

well yea its could kill fish but some of the exhaust push the water really hard so the fish well go with the water and well not get killed

How can dumping sewage into an aquatic kill fish?

unhealthy water to have can kill from choking

Can you put fish in a cold water after living in warm water?

No, it will kill it.

Can water fleas kill fish?

yes they can because they are water fleas

Can a bb gun kill a bluegill?

where I live a bluegill is a fish. Yes it is possible to kill the fish if it's near enough to the top of the water. But it a very inhumane way to kill a fish.

Do tsunamis kill fish in the ocean?

It can effect fish by making the fish get offshore or hit the fish with to much water.

Could you kill a fish is in the water with a pistol?


Can a light kill your fish?

no the light reflects on water