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Q: Can over use of hands after carpel tunnel surgery cause damage?
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Can carpel tunnel surgery cause gout to be inflamed?

No as gout is a result of uric acid crystals settling in joints resulting in inflammation While some swelling can be expected for a little time after the operation this should not be confused with gout. Carpel tunnel surgery is an operation that relieves pressure on the carpel nerve so there is no connection

Which brachial plexus nerve is responsible for carpal tunnel syndrome?

The median nerve that passes through the carpel tunnel is the nerve that is effected to cause carpel tunnel syndrome.

Is the elbow cause by carpel tunnel?

No, everyone has an elbow so that their arm can bend.

DOL OWCP denied my claim after the doctor diagnosised it as carpal tunnel syndrome DOL stated that the injury could not have caused carpal tunnel syndrome is there any recourse?

You have not given enough information. Carpal tunnel is an occupational disease. I think that is what it is called. It is caused from repetitive motion. It is not caused from one specific injury. If you had a specific injury it could not have caused the carpel tunnel. However, you may still have an OWCP claim for the carpel tunnel if you return to your doctor and ask them what caused the carpel tunnel . If there is a repetitive component to your job,i.e keying mail? Keyboard? this may be the cause of carpel tunnel, then it is indeed a claim for OWCP. You did not say what the injury was or what the results were but the carpel tunnel was just something the doctor happened to find when he examined you after the accident . You have had it all along , not just because of the accident.

Had carpel tunnel release surgery now have Trigger nodules and need cortisone injections is this possible?

These are really 2 different yes it is possible. Your CTS surgery did not cause the nodules if that's what you are asking. Trigger finger is caused by nodules on the flexor tendons of the fingers. CTS is typically caused by compression on the median nerve in your wrist (carpal tunnel) area.

What is the incubation period carpal tunnel syndrome?

An incubation period imply s that there is some sort of living organism involved in the development of carpel tunnel system. like bacteria or a virus. this is however not the case. carpel tunnel is usually caused by the buildup of or inflammation of tisueu surounding the median nerve that passes through the carpel tunnel. The exact cause for this happening has not been ascertained and it can develop in both young and old. People with inflammatory illnesses like RA are more prone to suffer with it.

What type of arthritis effects on wrist?

the inflammation that comes from rheumatoid arthritis can be the cause for carpel tunnel syndrome. But then osteoarthritis can also appear in the wrist.

What would cause sharp panes in the spine?

A pinched nerve, carpel tunnel, maybe an aneurysm. If you have sharp pains in your spine, see a chiropractor.

What causes fingertips and legs to be numb?

Your thumbs go numb because blood is having trouble circulating to your extremities.

Can you get carpal tunnel from shooting guns?

Carpel tunnel is a repetitive motion disorder, an injury caused by repeating a motion many many times, usually in a way that is not natural for your hands and wrists. Typing on a keyboard or fingering a guitar for hours at a time can certainly lead to carpel tunnel, but shooting guns doesn't seem a likely cause. The action is not normally repeated many, many times. Using a simulated gun in a computer game or even paint ball or Air-soft guns in a manner that involves hundreds or thousands of trigger pulls could, over time, cause carpel tunnel, particularly if you hold your trigger hand in a awkward position.

Can having hernia surgery cause incontinence?

Ignorance or injury during surgery may lead to damage and impotency

Why right wrist and hand rigidity?

Carpel tunnel syndrome causes a wrist and hand to be stiff and sore. Tendonitis of the wrist, sprains, and arthritis can also cause a hand and wrist to swell, be sore, and stiff.