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No oxy only stays in your blood for 3-4 days i used to have to take drug tests for work trust me i know

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13y ago

Most likely it will, since oxycodone is fat soluble.

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Q: Can oxycodone be detected in urine after a month?
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Can amounts of oxycodone be detected in urine?

Although oxycodone tests are at a much higher level than most other street used prescription drugs it can most definetely be detected in urine. The time factors vary but a safe answer would be that it is detectable for one to three days.

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In a typical individual, lorazepam can be detected in the urine 1 to 2 days after ingesting it. For lorazepam addicts, its can be detected in the urine longer.

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Oxycodone doesnt show up as oxycodone on a urine screen?

oxycodone is just pure heroine.....which is an opiate....

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How do I get rid of oxycodone in my urine for a urine drug screen?

Despite the claims of many "snake oil" salesmen, only time will remove oxycodone.

Does oxycodone show up as THC results in urine?

No THC is marijuana, oxycodone is an opiate

How does Oxycontin show on a urine test?

As oxycodone.