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Q: Can painted lady caterpillars eat sprouts?
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What do painted lady caterpillars eat?

Painted lady butterflies (all butterflies) food can be a sugar and water solution placed in a small cup with a roll of clean cloth in the solution and half overhanging the lip of the cup to act as a wick. Also, a cut orange or watermellon is good.

Are there any type of plant leaves that would be toxic to painted lady caterpillars?

I can't name everything that is poisonous to them, but they can eat dandelion greens, hollyhock, and sunflowers.

What do the the painted lady eat?

Anything from McD's dollar menu.

Do caterpillars eat other caterpillars Not people diets?

no caterpillars dont eat other caterpillars or people they eat plants and protein.

Do hawks eat caterpillars?

hawks eat caterpillars

Do caterpillars eat beetles?

yes! beetles eat caterpillars because caterpillars cannot eat beetles because they are softer and smaller so, beetles some do it caterpillars.

What do caterpillars eat besides leaves?

Caterpillars also eat plants and grass!

Does caterpillars eat ants?

Yes. Many species of ants eat caterpillars.

Do caterpillars eat greenfly?

Some caterpillars do in fact eat greenflies. Not all caterpillars will eat greenflies or like insects because they don't like them.

Do caterpillars eat lime plants?

No Only LIME caterpillars (caterpillars which are born at lime plants/leaves) eat lime leaves. They eat leaves that they are suitable for.

Can caterpillars eat salt?

No, caterpillars cannot eat salt. They eat leaves, or other organic matter.