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Q: Can part of an organism be alive while another part is dead?
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Which is the organism that is dead and alive?

To be considered an organism, it must be alive, so there is no organism that's dead or alive.

What are the rules of abiotic?

An organism is considered abiotic when it is neither dead or alive.

What is a living organ?

No nonliving thing is an organism, unless it's a dead organism that was once living.

Is a flame alive dead product of a living organism or never alive?

A flame is never alive it is dead. A flame is just a product of lifejust like air, water, and earth.

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What is the term used for describing things that are living?

organism is another term for a living organismorganismorganismanimate, alive, mortal, not dead, organismYou could also refer to the specific organism - animal, plant or bacteria."animate thing"

What nonliving organisms are in the desert?

Your question is an oxymoron. Nonliving means they are dead. If it is dead it ceases to be an organism. Organisms are alive.

What are the two processes that occur while organism is alive but cease when it is dead?

collectively they are called the metabolism Individually some of them are * photosynthesis * respiration * digestion * transcription * mitosis * meosis

Is coal alive?

Coal is not alive as it not an organism and is just reamains of dead trees

Will there be another doa movie?

no there will not be another dead or alive movie

A protist that obtains its food from dead organic matter or from the dead body of another organism is called a?

Generally protists help in decomposition of dead organic matter by feeding on them.Such type of protists or bacteria are called saprophytes

What term refers to an organism that obtains its nutrition from dead organisms?

A decomposer is an organism that breaks down the organic matter of other dead organisms to feed itself. It takes quite a while for a dead organism to decompose.