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People can hear things when you say things in your head. But they cannot hear what you are saying in your head. If this is a serious belief of yours and it is troubling you, talk with a trusted physician or counselor.

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Q: Can people hear things when I say things in my head?
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From what I hear it is. But the thing people say what is bad about it is, when you turn really evil; your weapon changes, so that means you cannot have horns growing out of your head. :)

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Usually people want you to think they do certain things or know certain things because they want people to like them more. I would know- I have done that many times to make friends. Also, they try to defend what they say, and some people are insecure about themselves so they make things up to feel better about themselves. Hope this helped. :) Many people can not reason logically and so are really unable to prove anything that they say. They rely on what they hear or from observations they make about what other people do.

Which is the sneakiest animal in the world?

This will vary based on the person asked. A lot of people will say the Fox is the sneakiest animal. This is why you hear things like sly as a fox.