

Can people recover from a generalized infection?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Can people recover from a generalized infection?
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People usually recover from measles infection in 2-4 weeks unless they get complications.

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Yes with antibiotics

What is he invasion of the body by a disease producing organism?

A disease producing organism is a pathogen. An invasion of the body by a pathogen is an infection. Although an infection is a generalized name for the body's response to any invasion by any pathogen.

What is a generalized infection?

A generalized infection is when an infectious agent, such as bacteria, viruses, or fungi, spreads throughout the body, affecting multiple organs or systems. This can lead to systemic symptoms like fever, fatigue, and malaise. Generalized infections often require prompt medical attention and treatment.

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Lymphadenitis may be either generalized, involving a number of lymph nodes; or limited to a few nodes in the area of a localized infection.

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Most people recover fully from spontaneous pneumothorax

Can I play basketball while I have a sinus infection?

It's better to recover first so there is no risk.

Can you have a generalized infection in your body without fever?

a fever is triggered by your immune system when an infection is detected. You can have many many types of infections without an immune response, because it may not be detected by the body yet, just effected

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Influenza is a viral infection that affects the human immune system and there is no cure It takes a few weeks to recover from this virus until it mutates itself with time.

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