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Q: Can pistachios cause an infection in your colon?
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No, a yeast infection should not cause complications with hernia or colon surgery. However, it will depend on the location and severity of the yeast infection.Ê

What is a ball colon infection?

Not sure what the question is as no such thing as ball colon infection?

What is Cd if?

C. diff is clostridium difficile. It is a type of bacteria that can cause diarrhea and an infection of the colon.

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colon related back pain related infection can cause anal discharge

What are the symptoms of suffering from a colon infection?

De Kulbhushaan Raghuvanshi 23 mai 2011 - Knowing some colon infection symptoms is probably the best way to understand whether an individual is suffering from a colon infection.

Are pistachios bad for dogs?

Pistachios are not considered toxic to dogs, but they are high in fat which can cause vomiting or diarrhea, especially in large quantities.

Do pistachios have wheat?

No, pistachios do not contain wheat. Pistachios are nuts, not grains.

What is the disease caused due to lack of roughage?

diverticulosis its a condition where you develop nooks in you colon that can catch food particles and cause an infection. It is caused by a diet low in fiber.

What is resolving colitis?

Resolving Colitis is where your colon had an infection, the immune system has killed it, but has not shut off and is still actively attacking the colon to kill what is not there.

What causes vibrating feeling in colon at night time?

Vibrating colon is the result of a urinary track infection. Go see a urologist and get antibiotics.

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Where can one find colon polyp?

A person can typically find colon polyps in the colon, which is in the large intestine. The cause of most colon polyps is unknown. Colon polyps are common in adults.