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Q: Can plants and animals form sedimentary rockhow?
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Can plants and animals for sedimentary rock?

If you meant form instead of for than yes!

What can form decaying animals?


How can plants and animals form sedimentary rock?

Skeletal remains of many sea creatures settle on the ocean floor. Here they mix with sediments and eventually become sedimentary rock.

The type of rocks that form where the remains of plants and animals are deposited in thick layers are called?

The type of rock that forms where the remains of plants and animals are deposited in thick layers are called organic sedimentary rock.

What type of rocks form from decaying plants?

Biogenic sedimentary

What type of sedimentary rocks form the breakdown of plants?


Can Plant and animals form sedimentary rock?

Skeletal remains of many sea creatures settle on the ocean floor. Here they mix with sediments and eventually become sedimentary rock.

What is the stored form of carbohydrate in plants and animals respictively?

Starch is the storage form of carbohydrates in plants. In contrast, glycogen is the storage form of carbohydrates in animals.

How is a sedimentary rock with fossils formed?

Sedimentary rock (limestone, slate, etc) forms when small particles sink onto the seabed, along with dead animals or plants, forming deep layers of mud. Over a very long time, the lay may be subjected to enough pressure to form sedimentary rock, encasing the fossils.

What in geology can form from decaying animals?

Sedimentary rock; fossils in sedimentary rock.

What rocks form in layers from broken rock shells plants and other materials?

Detrital Sedimentary Rock

How can you tell the difference between an evaporate and a clastic sedimentary rock?

To put it simply, 'clastic' means that the sedimentary rock is deposited from 'recycled' previous rock, 'organic' means that it is sedimentary rock derived from some form of life - plants or animals, and 'chemical' means that it has precipitated out of water through evaporation or through chemical interaction of two different bodies of water.