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Q: Can plants get nitrogen from moisture from the air?
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Where does plants get nitrogen?

when animals eat plants,they get nitrogen compounds that their bodies need.plants do not make these nitrogen compounds. so from where do plants get their nitrogen compounds/ from the air

What is a peocess by which bacteria remove nitrogen from the air and make it avaliable to plants-?

Nitrogen fixation is the process by which bacteria remove nitrogen from the air and make it available to plants.

Does nitrogen compress like air?

The air we breathe is mostly nitrogen, so yes. Nitrogen acts almost exactly the same as nitrogen mixed with a little oxygen. The major difference is that nitrogen will have less moisture then straight air.

How do most animals get nitrogen?

From plants or air.

What can convert nitrogen in the air into a form plants can use?

Nitrogen fixing bacteria along and on the roots of plants converts gaseous nitrogen into a form that plants can absorb.

When there is not enough nitrogen in the atmosphere for plants how do the plants get it?

Plants do not actually get their nitrogen from the atmosphere. They get it in compounds in the soil through their roots. Some plants form symbiotic relationships with bacteria in the soil. The bacteria draw nitrogen from the air and form nitrogen compounds. The plants can then use the nitrogen.

Is it true although 78 percent of air is nitrogen plants cannot use this form well?

It is very close to it, being about 78.09%.

How is notrogen fixation a necessary part of the nitrogen cycle?

Plants use nitrogen a N- and air has N2. Nitrogen fixation changes nitrogen into a form that plants can use.

Which process returns nitrogen into the air?

decomposition, because once animals or plants die, the nitrogen is then returned to the air.

What organisms return nitrogen back into the air?

The organisms that are involved in the movement of nitrogen between the air and soil and back to the air are plants and bacteria. When plants decompose they release nitrogen and bacteria fixes nitrogen back into the air.

What organisms are related to the nitrogen cycle?

All animals and plants. The air is 78% nitrogen.

Why are nitrogen-fixing bacteria contributions to the nitrogen cycle important?

The air is about 80% nitrogen- but cannot be used by plants for food. Nitrogen fixing bacteria transform nitrogen in the air to nitrogen in the soil that plants CAN use- resulting in greatly improved plant growth, and more fertile soil.