

Can plants grow on Jupiter

Updated: 8/10/2023
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12y ago

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No, Jupiter is what we call a gas giant, meaning that its layer of atmosphere is 100 of miles thick. This is a rocky core to Jupiter, but the pressure down there is many tons per square inch, so no plant as we know it could ever survive.

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12y ago

Probably not; certainly no plants we know of could have a Jovian counterpart. Carl Sagan made some very fanciful speculations about the possibility of life that might possibly exist there, but he was engaging in the delight of imagination, and his thoughts had no basis in fact.

Jupiter has no solid surface as do the rocky earthlike planets; you would have to fall very deep into the gaseous body of Jupiter to hit the comparatively small solid core, where pressures and other conditions would make it impossible for any plant or animal life to be sustained.

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No, it is made entirely of gas. Impossible.

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Q: Can plants grow on Jupiter
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